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did leakdown today....still lean?

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well i finally got the time to do a leakdown test on my shee. I did the test twice and it held a perfect 6psi for 6 mins both times. I am at about 500ft above sea level running 380 mains, stock pilots, and my needle on the 4th clip down from the top and its still running LEAN. I took it up to the dunes once and it seemed to be running spot on. The next weekend i took it up after cleaning my airfilters and it ran lean as hell. Im running a 32:1 mixture. Any ideas or tips would be appreciated

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yeah im using stock carbs. The first time i was at the dunes my plugs were perfect color, the sceond time my plugs turned gray...i put in a new set and they never turned color (with 2 hours ride time). The engine runs amazing, just lean. I will go put it back together and pull the choke and ride it and let you know what it does.....

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what makes me think its lean is that what ive learned is that you want a light tan/brownish color when you pull your plugs. Mine are pretty white....I do mostly dune riding and once in a great while i take it to my local mx track and rip around there. I just put the pipes back on and took it for a ride...pulled the choke when it was idleing and it shut off....i did it again when i was riding and it ran like shit and smoked alot. Its also dripping gas out of my left carb overflow hose...would that do anything??

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i will pick up a new set of plugs tommarow....from what i understand you get the shee up to temp with the old plugs, then switch the new ones in and run it down the road and go through all the gears...when you top it out cut the ignition and check the plugs....am i correct? thanks

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i will pick up a new set of plugs tommarow....from what i understand you get the shee up to temp with the old plugs, then switch the new ones in and run it down the road and go through all the gears...when you top it out cut the ignition and check the plugs....am i correct? thanks



yes but you pull in the clutch and cut the ignition at the same time lol. once you get to a stop pull the plugs and put the old ones in. go home and cut the threads off the plugs. your looking for a 2mm ring on the inner part of the plug. if its less your lean if its more your rich. thats some big ass mains for being lean. if you run them carbs with the air box lid on it will richen it up some.

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