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PLease Help! Banshee Bogging and running Ill


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Was running real good down at the river. My buddy broke down on his 250r, so I was gonna give him a ride back to camp. We went through a small muddy water puddle about 20 feet long and after that about 50 feet later the throttle stuck, I pulled back on the thumb throttle it unstuck it acted as though it was running out of gas and surging and then it just died. I can kick it and it will idle but terribly bad. It surges and you try to give it gas and it just bogs and dies like your choking it. I took the plugs out - put new ones in - blew out the boots on the wires and let it sit to maybe "dry out" hell I dont know. Put it all back together - 1st kick fires right up but acts as though its fouled or choked or out of gas. it idles very slow and the lights just surge and the bike has no anything - just idles give it gas and it dies. It is a 1991 - been ported , wiseco pistons running 89 octane mixed half with 110 vp because that all I could get down here is 89 octane. PJ1 goldfire oil. When plugs are pulled they are black and looks like oil coated or a lil wet some carbon build up. my mix is 36:1 . the guy before me ran it that way for a while i guess so I just stuck with it.


PLease help. I dont know what this TORS that you guys talk about is but on top of my carbs all I have is a line coming out of the top of each going into one and then to the throttle. I dont know if im fouling plugs due to it idling like crap but someon help. Ive never messed with idle screws jets etc it was all done when I bought it and it ran fine untill now. Only had it 3 weeks. Put maybe 25 hours on it since.

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If the slides stick and you realease the thumb throttle it kills the Ignition. You can disabe the sysetm by unpluging the carb top conecotrs. and the control module under the gas tank. Should be a little black box.



Have you tried cleaning the air fitler. Maybe it got pluged up by the mud and it is restricting the air flow causing a rich condition.



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If the slides stick and you realease the thumb throttle it kills the Ignition. You can disabe the sysetm by unpluging the carb top conecotrs. and the control module under the gas tank. Should be a little black box.



Have you tried cleaning the air fitler. Maybe it got pluged up by the mud and it is restricting the air flow causing a rich condition.





Well being pissed off all nite trying to read and tinker with my bike to figure it out I just left it alone. Changed the plugs cleaned the filters disconnected a few wires and let it sit. Woke up this morning put all the connections back toegether with dielectric grease - put in fresh gas and it fired the first kick. Something got wet or the air cleaners wer just so damn dirty and wet ...


The TORS things is that I dont have any boxes or anything on top of my carbs. It has a kill switch wired in to the handle bars but it doesnt work. My key is under my seat so I couldnt save myself by shutting it off if it ever does stick again. I do have the box but nothing on top of my carbs. does the box need to come out too?? How about some help on this kill switcgh. where it goes and which wires to hook up right

my on off switch on the left side of the handlevars - none of that works - only my light switch work. I think someone has re wired the hell out of this thing and left a lot of loose connections. Theres speaker wire ran to the back for a brake light so someone was int the cookie jar at sometime I am afraid that to do it right I may need a whole new stock harness and wire this thing up how it is supposed to be and go from there. The tors thing I want gone but still confused on it even after reading 30 posts. Does it automatically make it run like shit after being engaged and how does it reset itself?/

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the kill switch should hook up to 2 wires. There should be a black with white strip, and a black wire. The black wire is just a ground wire. When you ground the BW wire that is what kills the engine. They should just be 2 bullit conectors for the kill switch. THe light switch is an actual plastic plug conector.

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I would check out BenBB's Electrical FAQ document... Its great, it tells you exactly how the kill switch

should be wired up, it tells you exactly how the key switch should be wired, and how to eliminate it

if desired. It also has good wiring diagrams as well that show the T.O.R.S. system, etc... Also you

can buy a newer used harness for pretty cheap on here if you ask around... You can also download

the maintenance manual from this site that tells you how the TORS work, and how to troublshoot

some electrical problems...


Good luck...

Edited by mdhc500
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