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A Parent's Nightmare


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On may 28, My 15 yr old asked me to take the shee for a spin so I said ok. sitting on the porch waiting to here him go by but no sound of the shee...a minute goes by the phone rings my daughter come out onto get me its him said he recked the bike.....first thing i think of he flipped it crossing the RR tracks run down to where i think he is but to kid or bike start walking the trail back down where we ride......I see him standing at the Y in the trail see the bike just sitting there......doesnt look like nothing wrong....he has is arms straight down at his sides and head down......he said it felt like he lost

steering so i take a closer look at the bike and see the bottom J-arm where the ball joint is and it just blew apart.....and he said he jump off the bike before he hit the tree's.......My Wife get where we are which is right in front of the house on the other side of the trees decides to run him over to the hospital to get him check out.......mean while I'm towing the shee back home......get there the phone rings again she on the line with me" hurry over here he broke both arms, elbow and his one foot.Might

have to rush in to allentown for surgery on his elbow."

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holy hell! that shows you how much fear/shame/shock can wash out the pain. Kid brok both arms and his foot and stood there. At least he wasnt seriously injured. Broken bons like those he will be able to make a full recovery in no time

Yep when we were at the hospital we were like how in the world was he able to get the cell phone out and call even get his helmet off and walked about 2 blocks home to the car....We figured he was in 4th or 5 gear when he jumped of so he was running somewhere around 50- 60 mph.........

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  • 4 months later...
Dang man, hopefully he's ok now and starting to ride again. Im 16 so I understand. It's amazing though how after something like that you can not even feel stuff until a little while later.



You're 16? Shit man, you know a lot about Banshee shit, and have a damn sweet build going on!


I would have guessed you were much older.

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  • 10 months later...

ya glad to hear hes ok , damn one tough kid , he prolly though you where guna be more concerened about the quad(like my dad was lol) i remember when i broke my arm last year riding across train track and i cried like a little bitch for like 3 hours, the initial shock doesnt let you feel pain

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