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Official Banshee How-To Video

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No sticky. Come on man, your selling information that is ALLLLLLL over the internet, specifically information that is ALLLLLL over these very forums. Plus.... your not even a donating member to the BansheeHQ. Sorry man, but this shouldn't be stickied, its just not fair to the advertisers and to the other members who are selling things. We had this same delema when BigRed350x was going to sell How-To DVD's here. Its nothing personal bro, but you just can't sell your DVD's in the parking lot of a music store, ya know what I mean ?? Its just bad form. Atleast join up as a Premium Member. Don't take this personally, and Im sure the DVD is cool and all, but no sticky sticky IMO. Besides, if you sell enough DVD's, no one is going to need Dajogers help anymore :confused:


give'm a break man he spent hours on this, just let'm have his 20 bucks its well worth it and by the way if you get one use out of this video it is well worth it, considering the cost of repairs now adays...Meat you remind me like some of the people at work a cry baby...cut it out...you go around here strutin your stuff like you own the place or something..if you had made the video i would be backing you up also...the 20 bucks is not a big deal..its just a thank you..and yeah im not a donator, you gonna go around cricticizing everyone on here too who doesn't donate...we should all have the same say..unless your a moderator or own the forum, so your no better then any one here..get a life and let nitro tate have his fun...

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give'm a break man he spent hours on this, just let'm have his 20 bucks its well worth it and by the way if you get one use out of this video it is well worth it, considering the cost of repairs now adays...Meat you remind me like some of the people at work a cry baby...cut it out...you go around here strutin your stuff like you own the place or something..if you had made the video i would be backing you up also...the 20 bucks is not a big deal..its just a thank you..and yeah im not a donator, you gonna go around cricticizing everyone on here too who doesn't donate...we should all have the same say..unless your a moderator or own the forum, so your no better then any one here..get a life and let nitro tate have his fun...


Let me clear something up.Once upon a time there was a site called thebansheezone.com,and on that site you would get all sorts of info on banshee's for FREE.Infact,I know about this site because of that site.Hell,the owner of that site use to make j to a arm conversion kits,and showed you how to install with pics and all.Jetting,Noss head install,all sorts of shit FREE OF CHARGE.That site belongs to MEAT.


Nitro asked for a sticky and is selling a dvd (great idea :thumbsup: )on this site,except

he wasnt a Premium Member,,got called out on it(not the first guy and wont be the last) did the wright thing and became one.

He isnt selling spare parts on the for sale section, hes selling a video on the repair and maintnance forum.


Newby's talking shit about Vets,DAMM this site has changed!!!!!!!!

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Let me clear something up.Once upon a time there was a site called thebansheezone.com,and on that site you would get all sorts of info on banshee's for FREE.Infact,I know about this site because of that site.Hell,the owner of that site use to make j to a arm conversion kits,and showed you how to install with pics and all.Jetting,Noss head install,all sorts of shit FREE OF CHARGE.That site belongs to MEAT.


Nitro asked for a sticky and is selling a dvd (great idea :thumbsup: )on this site,except

he wasnt a Premium Member,,got called out on it(not the first guy and wont be the last) did the wright thing and became one.

He isnt selling spare parts on the for sale section, hes selling a video on the repair and maintnance forum.


Newby's talking shit about Vets,DAMM this site has changed!!!!!!!!


Meat talking shit on everyone and not helping a damn soul....man how things have changed. Bingo

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guys i dont think anyone had a problem with him selling his DVD, its a great idea and will help alot of people out, i just think it was more about him asking for a sticky, when he wasnt even a paying member or site sponsor like all the other companies, and then the fact others called it a "donation", thats all... i mean think about it from another point of view... i got some old banshee parts im tryin to sell,,,can they give me a sticky too!!? its just about being fair thats all, meat called him out about selling dvds and not being a paying member, which is only fair and obviously tate realized that too, your gona profit of someone elses website that stays alive by o thers premium memberships and site sponsors, that aint fair...and he signed up asap for premium membership and everyone was happy... i think that pretty much sums it up, now all the cheerleaders come in and try to stir shit back up and take personal shots at people, i dont know meat personally, but i sure as hell can sense his sarcasm 100 miles away, you can tell hes getting a laugh out of it, so should you, no reason for everyone to get personal

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Newby's talking shit about Vets,DAMM this site has changed!!!!!!!!


Ok you got a point his now a premi member ....so what with your attitude.. so because you guys been here for awhile you can't be wrong and be set straight. The only thing i would give you consideration for is your knowledge of banshees other than that we should all be on equal footing on whats proper. So all you old timers cut the attitude...im a member of alot of forum and i see the attitude alot..needless to say i am always the one to point it out. We can all make this site great whether some of us help out 100x or 1x. So lets not diminish anybody here just by how many post they have we can all be helpful...like i use to tell my workers...there isn't anybody here we can't do without..meaning if some of you old timers leave there will be others to take your place and the forum will still thrive...it is when you old timers become elitest and turn off new and old members causing them to leave that this forum will fail..

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Ok you got a point his now a premi member ....so what with your attitude.. so because you guys been here for awhile you can't be wrong and be set straight. The only thing i would give you consideration for is your knowledge of banshees other than that we should all be on equal footing on whats proper. So all you old timers cut the attitude...im a member of alot of forum and i see the attitude alot..needless to say i am always the one to point it out. We can all make this site great whether some of us help out 100x or 1x. So lets not diminish anybody here just by how many post they have we can all be helpful...like i use to tell my workers...there isn't anybody here we can't do without..meaning if some of you old timers leave there will be others to take your place and the forum will still thrive...it is when you old timers become elitest and turn off new and old members causing them to leave that this forum will fail..



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I am a member on a lot of forums, but thats one thing about Bansheehq, there is always a member that has to say something negative to others and they do talk about it on the other websites and to me thats sad, especially if I say I am a member on here... Why don't those guys just keep it to them self....? Damn we all want to benefit from the info on here... As for the video and the attitude of the guy who made the video :thumbsup:

I know of builders who once WAS members on here..... what a sad thing...

So some will ask what the heck am I still doing here, well this is still a place to find good info and to kill time, oh yeah and to get a "how to video" for just $20 donation...

I don't need this video Tate, but I am sure there is a lot of guys who will benefit from it... good luck man.

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