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is this normal.

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so i was rippin my banshee all weekend, kept it somewhat cool by takin breaks, but ya at the end of the weekend, me and my buddy had a straight up drag race for about 1 mile.this was after rippin all day with a few short breaks, when i got back there was smoke slowly seaping out of the pipes,never had it happen, but never drove the fast for that long either, i also notced before the weekend, that one side smokes more then the other, sometimes only ones smoking, is this cus the coolent runs through one side first or is there a ring problem or something, just wana keep my quad healthy after a longweekend,.

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ya i got a boost bottle. and ya, when i first start up the bike the left side i think smokes and the other barely smokes.and afer the race when i turned the bike off, it looked like the pipes had left over smoke in it and it was slowly smoking out the silencer

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i think its pretty normal for one side to smoke more then the other right after start up but after it warms it shouldnt be noticable. as for the smoke seeping out of the silencers that wouldnt mean that the bike is overheating if thats what you were worried about. maybe you need to repack your silencers?

Edited by Paddleboy
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what do you mean by seeping out of the pipe, if one side smokes and the other doesnt, whats the compression on both, sync the carbs. and PLEASE tell me you dont have a boost bottle



whats wrong with a boost bottle??

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whats wrong with a boost bottle??


i seen the intake ripped where the boost bottle goes in. probably from vibration. once ripped it will suck air and in return lean out. causing you to blow a piston and spend money on what could have bin avoided just by using a crossover tube.

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Mine does the same thing. If I run it real hard for a long time, it will smoke. Sometimes it does it from one pipe, and sometimes from both. I think it's just unburnt oil in the pipes getting so hot that it burns out of them. It ain't a big deal. It worried me the first time I seen it happen, but now it doesn't even phase me.

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Mine does the same thing. If I run it real hard for a long time, it will smoke. Sometimes it does it from one pipe, and sometimes from both. I think it's just unburnt oil in the pipes getting so hot that it burns out of them. It ain't a big deal. It worried me the first time I seen it happen, but now it doesn't even phase me.
ok good to know. one more thing, sometimes i feel a wobble in my rear end, but not all the time, and my buddy behind me said he saw a slight wobble.i checked everything, nothing is out of alinment, evetyings good, i proped it up and its all good when i spin the tires. but sometimes a feel a rear wobble. what could this be, tires mabye, i run holeshots, and happpens when im crusing real fast
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ok good to know. one more thing, sometimes i feel a wobble in my rear end, but not all the time, and my buddy behind me said he saw a slight wobble.i checked everything, nothing is out of alinment, evetyings good, i proped it up and its all good when i spin the tires. but sometimes a feel a rear wobble. what could this be, tires mabye, i run holeshots, and happpens when im crusing real fast



when i first got mine i riped down a dirt road and it kept trying to wash out on me. proper tire pressure on high speeds is important. that would be the first thing i would check.

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that might be it. what about suspension. i have elkas that got on the bike, and im not sure how to set them, i went to the softest setting and set them but my buddy says not to do them like that he picked mine up of the gropund and watched how the shocks droped and adjusted from there, but he didnt know either what to do, we found the bottom dial, i need an idiots guide to elkas, how to set them for what conditions.

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that might be it. what about suspension. i have elkas that got on the bike, and im not sure how to set them, i went to the softest setting and set them but my buddy says not to do them like that he picked mine up of the gropund and watched how the shocks droped and adjusted from there, but he didnt know either what to do, we found the bottom dial, i need an idiots guide to elkas, how to set them for what conditions.


you should set them to settle about half of the total suspension travle in the rear and less up front with you weight on the bike. and rebound is how fast/hard the shock extends, think holes in the ground, and compression is well just that ( think speed bump )

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