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gaskets in a pinch

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Ok i know im going to get a lot of flack on this one. But if your in a bind and need to tear into something this always works.

Use eather a large peace of construction paper or large cereal box the large side with no seams in it that will cover the parts to be sealed. ive used 2 different ways too get the outline for the gasket 1 lay the part flat with the rubber malet or peace of wood score the box all the way around the serface to be covered intill you see the outline of both edges the ara the gasket will cover cut this out with a sharp utility knife and drill out the bolt holes

ive also uses sealent on the surface the needed the gasket then put the sheet of construction paper over it to get the out line as well.

This is a simple fix for leaking cases that you just dont have the money to replace the gasket on at the time. I would not use this for a base gasket for the jugs. but i have used it as a case gasket on an old blaster that never did leak again. as well as the clutch cover gasket. works just fine if you cut it correctly always triple check your work before completely using it though.

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I don't think I would ever do that.



You should probably find a nearby walmart or advance auto or something, and get gasket making material (they have like cork sheets, and rubber sheets, things like that) and trace and cut your own out of that material.


Using construction paper and shit has bad news written all over it IMO...

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I have used a Coke box before when i was out in the dunes and it worked great, heck i forgot about it and ended up being there for a whole season.


That worked like a charm.


Good info imo.

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Look guys i know there a some guys out there that are just not made of cash. You can call it what you wish. I would not recomend this to any one really, but in a pinch it works just fine as long as there are no clearence issuses involved. defently good for smaller gaskets. Ive done alot of diffrent things when i was younger. I can actually afford the stuff needed now But when you dont got the money you do what you got too. It also makes you figure out the odds and end of doing it your self. This is just a little tip to though who actually would understand thats all.

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I understand the being short for cash and all... but if you can't afford a gasket kit when you work on stuff, maybe a banshee isn't the best bike for you. LOL j/k Every now and they you can score bulk gasket kits on ebay for cheap. I'd probably ask on HQ for a gasket before I would use a cereal box though. Jump on HQ in the wanted section and ask if someone can toss you a couple gaskets. I have quite a few stacks of gaskets laying around sometimes that I wouldn't have a problem just giving away if someone was strapped for cash and needed help.



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