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front sprocket slack

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no thats not normal, how is it supposed to stay true to the back sprocket if its moving in and outh ont he shaft?

the only thing i could think u did wrong was maybe you didnt seat the lockwasher behind the nut on the grooves right? with the sprocket on, theres barley enough meat sticking out left on the grooves of the shaft to hold that lockwasher in place without its falling down and off the grooves if you know what i mean, it could have fell off the grooves while you were tightening the nut, and the nut is only tightened down against the lockwasher which is torqued down against the end of the splines and not against the sprocket like it should be, i hope that made sense

or maybe it was like my friends was the other week, he took his chain off to change the swingarm, i grabbed his front sprocket out of total randomness and it had a shitload of play in and out like yours, he thought the nut was tight cause he couldnt spin it, but it was just tight enough to keep the lockwasheer on the grooves then bent around the nut , it had in and out play but just barley tight enough to keep the sprocket from falling off the splines

Edited by Michael Jackson
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