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stroker ?

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hello guys, I have been looking for info on different stroker cranks. This probly a dumb question for most of you. But I see for the most part there are only a few differnt sizes sold on the market. Any one know why there useally a 4 mill strokes in stead of 3 or 5 mill stroker. Does any one here know what the power out put difference would be if some one would say have a 5 mill strokerbuilt, or is it even possable.

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4, 7 and 10 mil are common.

For the price it costs to have a custom 5 mil done, or other odd number...it won't offset the small performance gain if any...IMO.

However, if you got a line on a cheap 5 mil stroker crank, the other additions/mods would be the same as a 4, 7 or 10 mil crank in perspective. The head and porting would have to be matched.


The big difference is this, bigger than 4 mil, you will need to trench the cases most likely. 4 mil is a drop in crank, no case work.

Once you go bigger...say 5 or 6, you MAY or MAY NOT have to trench.... 7 mil and bigger you will, hands down. Figure that into your costs. Trenching runs 75 to 150 bucks.

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Once you go bigger...say 5 or 6, you MAY or MAY NOT have to trench....


That is probably why the 4 mill is so common. They want to mass produce a stroker crank that will drop right in for 100% of there customers. So they give themselves a little clearance.

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There is also alot of 8mil cranks I have been reding about latley. They run them in a 7-8mil class. Not sure if they are more for the 250R motors or banshee because its not really specific.

This is a general reply to this thread. Th1nks for all your imput guys. This is just something ive been toying around with. Im really lookin to set my she up right from the start. Its an old girl and its been a while. I just want it to be set up for go from the start.

I am slowly getting all the parts together for it. This is one of them mods i just dont want to over look for a rebuild in its future. I think most of the mods ive got for it now are listed. I still am looking at possable exstention of the rear by 2". I would also like to get a better port job on it. But if it goes there, Ill end up doing the hole 9 yards, from seals to crank and head which im looking at the phathead set up. Im still running stock radeator.Sorry piss poor speller here. But any why it looks i repeat looks like it would cool better if i added it and may be some in line coolers all though i think they may be just some gimick. I Dont know too much about them.

Last but not least the advance for the timing ive been seeing i need to add that for any higher compression. which im hoping to use like 21 maybe 20 cc domes for that head. I really do not want to have to run race fuel. Theres not many places that sell it around me inless i use 108 airplane fuel. I ride long trails and useally fill up at the fuel stations any way.

Well guys didnt mean to write a book if you all have any sugestions to send my way im very open thanks

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You don't have to advance the timing to run higher compression, they are two separate mods that both compliment bottom end power and increase octane requirements. I personally would recommend the 4mil crank. Like Dave said, chances are you will have to have case work done to run the 5mil. I don't see a huge advantage of 1mm stroke. If you allready have portwork done there is also a good possibility that your cylinders can't be ported for the additional stroke, you will need to measure them to make sure.

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How would you know...you guys all have stock strokes down there.....



hahahah thats a good one. :laugh: :laugh: Your kidding wright?

Down here I know acouple of maniacs that run 10mm on their trail bikes.

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