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WTT My 2005 'Shee for and 250 MX bike

BaNsHeEs RuLe!

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I have a Blue 2005 Yamaha Banshee still on stock bore, not one motor bolt has been turned. It has FMF Gold Series pipes, K&N pods, (I also have the stock air box with a K&N filter), Tusk nerfs, Alba Elite series front bumper, Steering stabilizer, TerryCable Dual Gasser (thumb and twist...you chose), Renthals, pro grips, parking brake block off, Razr rears about 70%, starts first kick, runs just like new, only faster. Want to sell or trade for a 2005 or newer CR 250R or YZ 250R, might consider a four stroke if it is nice. Really want to stay with the 2-strokes tho. Let me know what you have, I might just trade ya. Or come Pick it up, $2800.00 firm.

Email me for pics. Or come see it. My zip is 76137.


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sounds like you live right down the road from me. i have some friends looking for a shee i will try and sell it for you.

Thanks bro, but I just traded for a 2005 CR 250R. Preciate it, tho.!!!!

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