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I just got my bike back together today and now I'm having an issue. First off, the changes I made.


timing plate set at +4

CPI Inframes

Removed dynojet needles and replaced with stock needles set on middle clip

installed 320 mains

removed stock pilots to look at at put back in (ordered 27.5 but have not recieved them yet)

removed air box lid

set air screw at 1.5 turns out to start


The bike fires up fairly easy. One or two kicks, just as it did before I made these changes. But now if I just ever so slightly give it gas and let off it revs high. If I give it a little more throttle slowly it revs even higher and won't come back down. The only way to get the RPMs down is to give it a nice quick shot of gas with the throttle. It's almost like the slides are sticking but I took off the air box and looked down into the carbs and they appear to be going up and down with the slightest movement of the throttle. If they're sticking I should easily be able to see that right? So the next thing I checked was the choke cross tube which is in place as it should be. So the next thing I looked for is an air leak somewhere but everything looks nice and sealed up.


I'm leaning towards the pilots since they are still the stock 25s but I wanted some more opinions. The only thing is that it didn't do this with the Toomey T6s and stock pilots. At first, I had the air screws set at 1.5 turns out and I screwed them in to .5 turns out. It didn't like that too much. When I reved it up instead of coming back down to idle it would actually die. So I played with them some more and ended up at 2 turns out and it seems ok for now until my 27.5s get here.


What do you think? Oh, I still have TORS. I was also wondering if that may be it. I just really didn't think TORS could be it since it was not doing this before I made these changes.

Edited by JasonsBanshee
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Oh, I forgot about the timing plate. It was a pretty cut and dry install so I don't think that's it. I put it on, set it at +4 and got the little pick up thing about 0.02" to the raised section on the flywheel.


I've also done some searching and it seems some people put their slides in backwards by mistake. I don't see how that's possible because it appears to me that the long notch on the slide should line up with the piece down in the carb that sticks out a little. The raised higher section of the bottom of the slides is facing towards the rear of the bike. Is that right?

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I just checked it out again. It's the slides sticking. When I had them out I cleaned them real good with parts cleaner. I'm guessing I should lube them up? What should I use?


And the reason it was dieing was the TORS doing it's job. Once I unhooked the TORS it wouldn't die anymore.


So I need to lube these slide up. What to use?

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TORS is now unhooked. I'm ordering an kit to completely do away with it today.


This is weird. The slides ONLY stick with it running. With the bike off, they slide up and down just fine. This is why I didn't catch it when I first looked. It just really felt like I slide issue so I watched the slides with the bike running and sure enough, they're sticking. I'm going to lube them up and check to make sure the throttle cable isn't binding anywhere. I know when I was jetting it a may have spun the throttle cable around a time or two in the process. I can't wait to get rid of those big TORS tops in those carbs!

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I added some WD40 to the slides and the cables and they are working much better. My springs seem good. It's mainly the slide on the right side that sticks only with the bike running. I messed around with the cable too and that seemed to help it out. It still sticks a little but it'll work for the time being. I'm going to get that TORS removal and a carb sinc tool to really help dial it in.

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on the cable dont us WD40 unless your just breaking them loose, get some good cable lube. the 40 dries up. the slids will get good and oily after runnign for a while, just spred a little of you mix oil on them to help the process get started.

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Got the K&N in it so I rode the bike today and I must say, it's screams with the new mods!!! I can't wait to have Kevin Herr port it! I can only imagine that! Still had that sticking slide issue but I think I've figured it out. I pulled the slides and there is some gumming up on them. I'm going to clean them up real good and I'm pretty sure I'll be good to go.

Edited by JasonsBanshee
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