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Jetting Keihin PWK's

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Well I am still messing around with the jetting on my Shee. I have an 05 with Bills Pipes and Silencers, stock airbox w/ snorkle removed, stock filter, 28mm Keihin PWK's and I run in Central PA (about 1600 ft) at temps anywhere from 50-90. Anyways, I have it running pretty good IMO with 150 mains, 45 pilots, and the needle clip one spot towards the needle point. I have been messing with thing forever and just want to get it right. It sometime fires on the first kick, but sometimes it sounds like it is sucking for air or something and dies out, and I have to choke it. After about 10 seconds I unchoke it and it revs fine. It pulls well at higher RPM's, but seems a little hesitant off the start. I know it was rich with the needle mid clip so I moved it up and it was a lot better. It also seems to run pretty hot. I know the pipes are going to get hot and I am more than likely just worrying over nothing, but just throwing that out there. I checked my plugs after my ride today and they were dark and slightly wet. I know I am running a little rich, but why is it tough to start every once in awhile. Does anyone have and recommendations? Thanks

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