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we have some questionable guys on the board


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First these girls are not in bathing suites and the stuff on this site doesnt compare to things on tv that the kids Im around watch. I have just as much as a right to be a part of this site as you and who know s I might accualy know a thing or two. So now whos being retarted. I never did say this site was a porn site I only said it is starting to look like one!


what grade did you make it to? you have the nerve to call someone "retarted"? you're fuckin RETARDED. thats how you spell it. your true ignorance is coming through with every post.. and to think, you have offspring!! wow, the future of this country is FUCKED with morons like you running around infecting the planet with your ignorance.


by the way, the word you're looking for is "actually" not accualy?

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loco - how the hell did they ever let such a hot headed derelict become a moderator here?

calm down man.. you dont need to curse every other word,and type in capital letters to get your point across... the repeated use of FUCK and FUCKING doesnt make you tough or get yout point across any better, it only makes you look like a simple minded jerkoff with small mans syndrome ! CALM DOWN!!!


and the answer is , yes, you can delete all my posts if it will bring your blood pressure down...

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You guys do your thing, who cares what these ass clowns have to say be proud of what you have....im in favor of putting what you like in your avatar, even if you like cats put them up...do what you want if lee had a problem he would have told you too take it down by now...

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I find it so odd, that you can turn off avatars but people still bitch about them. And then people say "I like to see other peoples cool avatars" Shut the fuck up no you dont, Who cruise's the banshee pic avatars you can barely see them! And I am so done with parents talking about there 4 year olds, I dont even remember when I was 4 let alone the time I was sitting on parents lap looking at some shit I couldnt even read. Do you people not remember what it was like to be 4-7? Get off your damn high horse of being a parent plenty of people here have kids and they dont throw a damn shit fit. I have seen worse stuff on the WB than some of these avatars.

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nope wrong again, Im a hard working farm girl that has some self respect


this just meas she is a fat ass thats jelouse...

why should I still have to look at it, I mean focus on you banshee (everheard of that) isnt that what this site is for? If you want to look at tits go into the galleries theres plenty there. Thats deffinately not somewhere I choose to go anymore.

actually alot of us are on here enough that we use this site for much mor the banshee's so take your bible thumping ass else where. Or just turn off the avs, its stupid bitches like you that piss and moan about shit so everyone else has to conform to your wishes. fuck that! your not special! if you dont want to see it block it out, and those of us that dont mind well it doesnt matter.



oh and no i didnt tke down the boobies, lee must have done it for me

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got a message from Lee today about changing my avatar because of some people complaining..


i wouldnt normally post this, but this is a direct insult to my girl.. she is proud of her body, and doesnt care if i show it off..


so i got this PM from a member today who i shall most certainly name..


the PM subject was titled "ugly girl"


from: papa_smurf49319




there are ways to handle things, this isnt one of them. there was no need to insult my girl. guy couldve asked me nicely to change it, but he didnt. so fuck him..


let everyone here who loved my girls titties take their wrath out on this gay ass dude.


by the way, ive changed my avatar back to the old one, it just hasnt taken affect yet.

Loco, ther aint a fuckin thing wrong with that bod! Fuck that guy! You go girl!!!!!
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Nope sorry dont have another user name, really just joined today. Have friends that have profiles and just looked on with them and now im sick of it. Its pretty sad when you are just looking in someone elses profile a couple days a week and you get tired of the content, needles to say that there are children in the house. Besides that to everyone else who keeps calling me a guy/dude not true, female thank you and proud of it. There are more girls on this site than you think!



so your a pro now, you have only been on the site one day and seem to know there is more women on here then we think? Did you search all the proflies and count the women in one day to come to that conclusion?


Also, you want to have a big voice on here? Maybe you should get some yellow letters under your name to show that you are not just a sign up for a day, whine and cry type...


I will take old avatar down, NOT FOR YOU so dont think for a minute I did this for you, I am doing it just so Lee doesnt have to deal with people like you bitching and whining all the time. Ill put the hottest girl on 2 feet in there instead.

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hammer... why are ur tires backwards in your pic ??


Because I'm dumb.


I was in a hurry to put them on there, and I didn't know much about directional sand tires so I never thought to look on the tires for where it said which sides the tires were supposed to go on.


I normally run Razrs, only time I use paddles is for the Genoa jamboree and running it out at the sand pits.

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So do you curse around your children? You've done that in here already, that's pretty classy of you. (no i don't have kids so don't think a guilt trip on me will do anything). I'm guessing seeing bitches in the hillary sig offends you as well. OH THE SEXISM, it's TERRIBLE...it's so fuckin stupid when someone joins a site just to bitch. Your 1st 15 posts are in this thread, thats ridiculous, go to PS, pay $25 and bitch over. THXBI

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