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twist throttle for the woods ?


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Was thinking of maybe putting a twist throttle on my Banshee since the stock thtottle is so stiff. I ride mostly rough trails that are normally whooped out pretty good. How well does a twist work for riding in the woods or should I just stick with the stock throttle?


I grew up on bikes so a twist throttle is something that I am use to. Only rode one twist throttle on a 300ex but that was a long time ago. On the 300, I did not really like it but I only rode it for a few minutes so I really did not give it a chance.


Any goods or bads to twist on a banshee in ridden in the trails? I have heard some people say they felt like they did not have good control with a twist. Is that true?


Just looking for opinions. And I know they will all be different.

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I'm on my 2nd shee, the first I had when I was in high school (12 years ago...) I had a twist on it but didn't care for it too much.


12yrs later.. I hated the thumb throttle on my Honda 450R so I coverted it to twist and love it. But the shee stays thumb because I don't mind it...


I guess what I'm trying to say is "to each their own". Try it, if you don't like it then put it on ebay or for sale on here and get a few $$ back.


It's all about preference.

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Does running a Honda thumb throttle really make that much of a difference? I would kind of like to stay with a thumb throttle just cause that is what I am use to on an atv. Guess I could pull the one off of my 400ex and just try it to see what it feels like.


I just thinking that after a long trail ride that a twist throttle would be a lot less tiring.

Edited by rigger
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I just bought the Terry cable Dual gasser, ride hard with the thumb, cruise back to camp with the twist. Works awsome!!! Just my .02

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My twist sucks in the woods. Especially if you hit a rut and it yanks the bars out of your hand and you gas it at the same time. it wears on your wrist more than you think. I love the twist for flat racing and hill shootouts. As soon as i get the rest of my carb stuff I will be going back to thumb.

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Yeah I looked into this too but the Banshees are just to untame in the woods for a twist. Constantly hitting the throtke out of rut and whoops sections and landing jumps and twisting the throttle too much can be painfull. Sometimes you can correct it but its them times that you cant is where you and your Banshee pay.

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