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Tell me this can be fixed


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Yah that probley what I'm going to do just not this summer.

if you buy a new one from a yamaha dealer you can get them to stamp your frame with a vin. that way if you ever need to register it you can. but make sure you ask them for some kind written statement. that they stamped the frame. My local dealer had there laywer type some paper up for me. I always try to cover my ass specially here in NJ since cops hate us. They see my bike with no vin they would impound that shit. And I dont even ride illegally

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Well one thing at a time first, as in engine than at some point the frame. I rides fine for now, with the econemy so bad here in se michigan I need to be as conservitve as possible.


Hit up Minkia38. He has a LOT of frames, depends on if you want a title for it or not...and you can pick it up.

He's in the New Haven or Chesterfield area...

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