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The shee is leaking

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Shift shaft seal. Call a local bearing store and ask for a 10x22x7 seal (those are the metric dimensions in millimeters; ID x OD x CC), oughta be like two bucks. Pull the shift lever, LH footpeg, and stator cover to get to it, either use a hooked pick to pry it out carefully or a short sheetmetal screw into the seal (careful don't like sink it in the case behind the seal) and pry on that to get it to pop out. Tap the new one in carefully, you can use some small diameter pipe (3/4" or so) longer than that shaft to tap it in if you need to. It shouldn't leak much if any gear oil in the process but if you hafta leave it out overnight or you're paranoid about getting oil on the garage floor just tip the quad up on its right tires during the procedure. Good luck.

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