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Trade my dual carbs for single carb setup


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  • 2 weeks later...
I would like to trade my 30 pwk carbs and maybe some cash for a 2 into 1 trinity setup. These carbs have been used very little. If any one is intrested show me pic of what you got. Thanks

Are those really pwk's? I only ask since I have a single pwk and the bowel and tops look alot different?

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this type of thing is what were here for guys!... :beer:


You make it sound like iam trying to f*** somebody when all i did was simply post exactly what it says on the carbs. I did not post a brand i was not sure it says 30 pwk on the carb look at the pic. That is exactly what i posted. You can buy a 2 into 1 all day for 225 on ebay you can buy these for 175 this is why in the post i said some cash too depending on what type of shape your 2 into 1 is in. Since the original post i have got them dialed in and love em there for iam not really looking to go 2 into 1 anymore. I appreciate all the views and replies. Thanks

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For one you did post that they were PWK's I just corected you and said PWK never made a 30mm carb. I'm in noway saying your trying to fuck someone because if that was the case I'd come staright out and say it. if anything Maybe I was giving you a hint to do research on what you have befoe you try to pass it off as something it is or is not.. with all that being said use he link that i posted and see if the serial numbers on the carbs match.. if Not they are off brand an are not PWK! :blink:

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