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electrosport stator


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has anyone ever used one of these? from the description, it doesn't really look like a description. kinda makes me wonder. 250w stator for 130$??


I did a Google search...they are in in Oceanside, CA...30 miles north of me!!



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the stator they sell is the same configuration as the old ricky stator units. Dual outputs.


i had an electrosport dual output stator in my shee. Dont know how long it was in there because i purchased the bike with it already installed. It shorted out and melted. It has since been replaced with an RS hight output stator.


The stator worked find. The two outputs is kinda nice. They are not equal output either. I had the high output wiring going to my stock lights and the lower output going to my Alluminators..... Always wondered why they were not as bright as I would have liked.


Overall, its an ok stator.

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