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which razr tires?


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rocky mountains prices are hard to beat. just make sure the tires and rims are in stock.


Yep that is where I got my duro Hookups. Plus you get free shipping on orders over 100 bucks.


Duro Hookups

Fronts are $49.99

Rears are $61.99




Maxxis I Razrs

Fronts are $62.99

Rears are $72.99



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For what its worth.... the vast majority of cross country racers uses the original Razr rear tire and Razr II's up front. Xc racing is just like trail riding, you have all the terrain you'd find while out riding the trails. The reason they use original Razrs in the rear is they are more sporty than the Razr 2s. The origninals weigh less than the Razr 2s and they slide better, the knobs are too agregessive on the Razr 2's. So I'v been running Razr on the rear on my quads for the past coupla years and they always worked pretty good for me. Last week I bought my first set of Razr 2 rear tires. Got em used, from a GNCC racer who, just like me, had to try em out for himself. He took em off and went back to Razrs. Said they were too heavy and felt bulky, robbed some HP etc etc. I got em for $100 bucks shipped and they have 90% of their tread. I figure I gotta try em sooner or later, so I bought em. I just mounted em on my Hiper rims last Sunday, I'll let give a ride report asap.


and for fronts, hands down racers favorite is the Razr 2's, 21x7x10s



Bill Ballances' #1 Yamaha.



Chris Borich's #2 Honda. Notice the orange Four Stroke Tech pit is right behind Chris, all their quads are setup with Razr rears and Razr 2 fronts. The vast majority of racers using Maxxis tires use this combo. If the race is very very muddy, they use I-razrs in the rear and Razr 2's up front.


Edited by Meat
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I trail ride in the Halsey National Forest in Nebraska. It is in the sand hills. The trails are 80% soft lomey sand, about like dunes. They do not allow paddles because they dig a lot worse than regular tires. I probalby wouldnt run them if i could because there isnt really any reason to tear up my stak trak extreems just trail riding. I save those for duning and drag racing.


I figure the wide spaced out pattern of the I razr would work good in the sand. I could see the regular razr's working better on dirt. People say the I razrs wear out quckly. I am sure the do if you run them on hard surfaces. That usually happens on any tire with the lugs or tread spaced out farther. That is why a Mud tire on a Pickup wears fast if all you do is drive around town and on the highway.

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