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Bent Forks?


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I have heard of this but never had to repair or diagnose a shee with it. I bought a bike low to sell slightly higher, helping a buddy out who needed cash. I though the shifter shaft was worn out and not rolling the basket to change the gears. It looks good so is not the issue. The bike only has two gears, I think it is 3-4 or 2-3. Will not neutral but the odd thing is if I put pressure on the shifter or the shift drum, it neutrals. This makes me think a bent fork but I thought I would ask before I tore the motor down, he said it was fine and then suddenly wouldnt shift.


Also if the clutch cushions are shot do I buy a new set of them or replace the basket? The bike is on a budget for sure, but I see the clutch cushion sets and wondered if new bolts came with it to replace the rivets or how that worked? If the shift fork is bent do I buy a used one from ebay or are there new forks available?

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