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the pope, a boyscout and a black guy


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The Pope, a boyscout and a black guy were all on a plane....


The planes is going down! There is only 2 parachutes on the plane.... So they try to figure out who gets the chutes


The black guy tells the pope and scout.... I have to survive so I can rid the world of the opressive forces of the white man and all the obsineties he's been laying upon my people for 400 years. Takes the chute and jumps


The Pope says to the scout.... I've lived a long and prosperious life I know it's time for me to do the right thing here son... Take the chute a jump....


The boyscout says.... "it's ok pope that dumb nigger just jumped out with my backpack"



PS.... I'm not racist!!!! It's just a joke, before you guys start rippin' me a new one :biggrin:

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well, i wouldn't give a shit if someone called me a honkey . i would just laugh, and especially if we called each other honkeys all the time, wouldn't give a shit of someone from a different race called me a honkey, i would laugh, im not tryin to get a bunch of racist shit started, thats just how i feel, being racist means a lot more than using a fowl word. just my .02

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