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castor and camber


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I always here people saying to adjust camber to a certain degree, What is the best way to measure your front end? Do they have a tool or just simply a tape measure.

Angle Finder at Harbor Freight...on sale for $2.39. Regularly $5.99:



Instructions on how to set up your front end from LSR:



You don't have your mods listed, so I don't know if you have a stock front end or if you have fully adjustable aftermarket suspension.


If it is stock, you only need a measuring tape because you can only set toe-in.

Fully adjustable, you need the angle finder and a measuring tape to do camber, caster, and toe.


Hope this helps. :thumbsup:


Jay From SanD.

Edited by jayzx750
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I've always just eye-balled mine. LOL Doesn't make that big of a diff on sand to me, and anyone whos ridden with me knows that the first big jump I hit or rock I smash into is going to tweak everything anyway, so I've never bothered to try and get everything all exact. Eye-ball it and get it close and go ride! haha!

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