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Sanford Lake, MI - Saturday 01/26


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Hey all you quad guys in the tri-cities area -if you're looking for some circle track ice riding this weekend, head on over to Sanford Lake on Saturday. The park is about 1-mile off US-10 in Sanford.


We're getting down there around 10-11AM and will clear off the track. There's a nice 1/8 mile and 1/2 mile track down there to ride on.


Dirt bikes and snowmobiles are welcome too.


Me and my buddy are getting tired of being the only ones down there. We want to see some new faces and machines!!!!


We don't care if you have studded tires or not.


If you have standard Honda/Suzuki bolt pattern and would like to borrow a set of studded tires, let me know.


Need more info or directions, give me a call - Dan 989-708-9163


PS - Wallace --- this means you :notworthy:

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