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noss head


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how much compression can i go without changing the stock crank?? i was going to get my crank trued and welded at fast..but im unsure how much compression i can run..im looking to keep 93 octane..i dont want to run racing because its getting very hard to find it

I wouldn't go over 150psi on straight pump fuel, as far as the crank goes I would recommend trueing and welding it to anyone who begins bolt on mods...heard of shees with only pipes slipping a crank. It's just an insurance thing, always better to be on the safe side.

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I am thinking of getting a Noss head this summer only problem i don't know what size of domes i need i am thinking about 21cc but not sure i am are the windsor ontario area. If any one can he that would be great.



i live in regina sask and i put noss head on with 20 cc domes and was up around 150 psi. ok on pump gaz. looks like you need some pipes?? got a fairly new set of toomy t6 for 325. i bought a cheeta cub so no need for them anymore.

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Got my noss head a couple days ago. Put that baby in today with 21cc domes and gained about 20-25 more psi. Its the best bang for your buck, defiantly. Looks good and adds hp. Also dave noss is the man!






Does anyone have a purple...I mean "black" head? I have a black one but it looks purple. Oh well, other than that it's awesome! Nice fit, easy install, great compression, I definitely recommend them!

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Wow, that was black? How long ago did you get it? What do you wash it with? (Nothing should do that other than maybe an acid bath) I had to change anodizers a while back because the original one went out of business. PM me if you want to do something about it.


It might be cool if you wanted one that color.



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Got my Noss head around 2 months ago, and couldn't be happier with it. The low end power increase was great. I'm around sea level with 21cc domes and run premium pump gas. Didn't take long to install, either. David was very helpful with the questions I had about it.

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So, I've been getting some PM's about the purple head. I guess it's a popular color. It's actually darker than the picture shows. It's a deep dark purple in the daytime.


Anyway, I replied to the PM's, but no replies so I'm gonna put it up for sale. One year old, great condition.


$150 plus shipping. Comes with nuts, new copper washers, new o-rings.


Also, putting in for sale forum.







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No, it isn't normal. They are supposed to seal it in a hot nickel acetate (sp) solution (I think it's nickel acetate). If they don't seal it properly, the color changes.



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a black anodized head should be and stay black. this is if the head was anodized with no connection problems and for the right duration at the correct amperage as well as sealed at the right temperature. if the anodize layer is to thin you don't get deep enough penitration with the dye and black can appear to look purple or brownish.

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