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should i balance my lockup?


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There has been a couple times reading through this thread that I was gonna say something but decided to bite my lip.. Well untill now..


All I can say is I have seen Dave give HUNDEREDS of people GOOD advice and did it only because he wants and chooses to help others.. I have asked questions from him in PM's and he has been quick to help or honest enough to admit when he isn't sure.. HE IS NOT THE PROBLEM and Iam having a hard time understanding where Meat is coming from.. It appears to me that Dave was the first one to start RECIEVING shots.. I think the thing with Texas was more of a misunderstanding and I agree with both parties.. Again, between the two I think it was misunderstanding.. HOWEVER with streetshee I think he already has his mind made up before the question was asked like others have stated.. Then he has the gull to talk shit.. THEN there are guys that point fingers after not reading the full thread.. THEN on top of that you have guys on soap boxes saying how great other sites are and how shitty HQ is because of the arguments..


My opinion.. You don't like HQ and wanna go to a different site such as PS(planet shit IMO).. SEE YA.. But I can also say you would be making a mistake.. I think there is VERY little drama here compared to teh good that comes out.. Iam not posting in this thread to make enemys.. I have allot of people on here i would consider friends.. HQ has been good to me and the people I have delt with recently(you know who you are) have been a great pleasure dealing with.. Hell, I didn't even post in the topic to contribute to the subject as I have niether a lock-up or a degree stating I know anything related to it.. However I did post to say some of you guys need to re-read this thread more clearly and in full before busting Dave's or anyone elses balls.. Think what you want but I feel privilaged to have Dave as well as a few others in this thread around HQ.. They have contributed more than anyone could ask..


-gets off soap box- :yelrotflmao:




I agree with RIPPEN, Dave is one of the best guys on here, no questions asked.

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whatever daj... your not worth the key strokes. :down:

See man... This is exactly what Iam talking about.. I was once someone who was really interested in what you were doing and really respected that.. But its repeated low blow bullshit like the above that takes that all away.. What, you got beef with Dave because he called you out? Get rid of that ax your grinding and.. Well.. Grow up. Like I mentioned before, Iam not here to make enemys but posts like your above are the problem with HQ.. Not Dave calling guys out..


Oh, and if everyones on par, I can't wait to see the shit that will get flung at me now.. :shrug: :yelrotflmao:



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QUOTE(TurboBanshee420 @ Jan 19 2008, 12:09 AM)

whatever daj... your not worth the key strokes.


See man... This is exactly what Iam talking about.. I was once someone who was really interested in what you were doing and really respected that.. But its repeated low blow bullshit like the above that takes that all away.. What, you got beef with Dave because he called you out? Get rid of that ax your grinding and.. Well.. Grow up. Like I mentioned before, Iam not here to make enemys but posts like your above are the problem with HQ.. Not Dave calling guys out..

Why should I bother keeping that ball rolling.... we did it before and got nowhere.



Oh, and if everyones on par, I can't wait to see the shit that will get flung at me now..


you guys truely have the wrong idea about me. I'm just tired of reading all the ass rippen.... no pun intended

Edited by TurboBanshee420
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Why should I bother keeping that ball rolling.... we did it before and got nowhere.

you guys truely have the wrong idea about me. I'm just tired of reading all the ass rippen.... no pun intended



I re-read your other post and understand where your coming from bro.. Believe it or not there have been several times where I didn't agree with Dave.. I Know a couple others personaly that bumped heads with him as well.. Part of it I think Dave is a knowledgeable guy with allot of confidence and one who won't back down when he knows he is right.. Mix that with the inability to read ones tone or demeiner(sp) through text and you get allot of mixed signals.. That all may not be the case as I can't speak for Dave but thats the way I take allot of this.. I have also been in situations where I was dog piled on(not HQ believe it or not) and it sucks.. Then for guys to "follow" you around is chicken shit as well.. All you can do man is bite your lip and be the bigger man and eventually it will stop.. But when a guy holds this big ass grudge and takes shots all the time it stirs it all back up.. So at that point... You have to decide to stay and ignore them or leave all together if it bothers you that much.. I usually try to be level headed.. Especially to guys on here.. I still to this day bump heads with some guys but I try to approach it as a adult and be respectfull as possible.. Because in the long run that guy mybee the one saving your ass or you may be in the position to do the same for him.. I guess to me thats a big part of what HQ is about.. I like to try and help others with any knowledge that I have or in any other way for that matter.. On the otherside of the coin though I also use this site to learn tons of stuff from allot of expierenced members.. But, I have learned that when I go to ask a question is a legitimate one and I have a open mind to the responces.. In the beggining of this thread I felt the first several posts Dave posted were fine... The stuff with you, I could see him posting that link as a bit of a shot but there again in a indirect way I saw you shoot first.. I don't know man.. Iam not trying to be doctor Phill here or no stupid shit like that.. It just kinda suchs when guys get oh so worked up and then clam up or silly misunderstanding or disagreements in opinions..



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I've almost killed people because of text messages and how they DON'T convey emotions.... This is why I throw smileys in there. like the first "shot" i took at him. but I'd say someone has to tone him down a bit sometimes. He get sout of hand quick.... well at least with me. And poor streetshee is from the other side of the world man. i don't know many people over there but he seems to be a good guy. And just like I had a problem when I first came here.... he has the same thing going on.


When someone askes for an opinion, they probably have formed their own first. So he has the right to defend his thoughts just like everyone else. Much like my "turbo banshee's" thread went. I got worked up about everyone saying it wouldn't work, then it turned into a pissing match. And now you see where the respect goes after that happens.... Out the window!!! haha


So, now here we are. Rippen i see you in a different light now from what you just wrote. I had the same thing going on with firehead last week. I can 180 my view on someone as soon as I see them act like an adult.... that's what just happened to you. I have stupid amounts of respect for people when they rise above the bullshit. Even if I don't like them. Daj has the same opportunity, but he hasn't showed me that he can rise above yet. He only seems to dig deeper, and never let up. This is the problem I have with him. If it's a right or wrong thing and I'm wrong.... I'd be the first to back off and say "your right". But in my experience with him he takes it too far when it's not just a right or wrong thing. And that's the difference.


I'm not a mud slinger.... If anything a mediator! :biggrin: I bend over backwards for stranger, even when I know there is an assfuck coming to me in the end. That is who I really am. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If we could all catch up for a beer, I'd have you all in tears on the floor..... laughing!

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I've almost killed people because of text messages and how they DON'T convey emotions.... This is why I throw smileys in there. like the first "shot" i took at him. but I'd say someone has to tone him down a bit sometimes. He get sout of hand quick.... well at least with me. And poor streetshee is from the other side of the world man. i don't know many people over there but he seems to be a good guy. And just like I had a problem when I first came here.... he has the same thing going on.


When someone askes for an opinion, they probably have formed their own first. So he has the right to defend his thoughts just like everyone else. Much like my "turbo banshee's" thread went. I got worked up about everyone saying it wouldn't work, then it turned into a pissing match. And now you see where the respect goes after that happens.... Out the window!!! haha


So, now here we are. Rippen i see you in a different light now from what you just wrote. I had the same thing going on with firehead last week. I can 180 my view on someone as soon as I see them act like an adult.... that's what just happened to you. I have stupid amounts of respect for people when they rise above the bullshit. Even if I don't like them. Daj has the same opportunity, but he hasn't showed me that he can rise above yet. He only seems to dig deeper, and never let up. This is the problem I have with him. If it's a right or wrong thing and I'm wrong.... I'd be the first to back off and say "your right". But in my experience with him he takes it too far when it's not just a right or wrong thing. And that's the difference.


I'm not a mud slinger.... If anything a mediator! :biggrin: I bend over backwards for stranger, even when I know there is an assfuck coming to me in the end. That is who I really am. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If we could all catch up for a beer, I'd have you all in tears on the floor..... laughing!


For sure man... Like I said before.. I cant speak for Dave.. All I can do is offer my experience and dealings in life or HQ-lol


Sorry to streetshee for clouding up this thread-lol even though its been clouded past the first page.. Ill leave it alone after this post as I will have said my peace...

All in all I think Dave is a damn smart and damn good guy that is usually MORE than willing to help a brotha out.. Thing you gotta remember, if you do something he sees as stupid he'll straight tell you.. If your asking a question, he has a answere, he'll straight tell you... How you take what he says and how he says it, is up to you.. But in my experience, I have mostly seen him treat people fairly.. :thumbsup:

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ya i didnt realize what I was gettin into when I replied to this thread :mellow: . my first impression was its an interesting question and then he got his balls busted :confused: . I dunno, but count me out and back as a spectator :cool: . battle on homos :evil:

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The way people normally learn is by experience...or by listening to others with experience...that's it.

I've tried to tell him that he can knock himself out by trying to balance it...but THROUGH experience...it's just not worth the work to see literally no results whatsoever. So at that point, I'd consider him wasting his time. My goal is to help people NOT waste time and be productive, to NOT have to learn things the hard way...as I have, or as others have that have taught or passed that on to me.


I can tell you the stove is hot, don't touch it. I can tell you you're gonna get burned, don't touch it. I can tell you it hurt like hell...don't touch it. You want to touch it anyways....yeah, I'm gonna laugh at you and call you a dumbass...


That's how it is...like it or not.


Rippen and theshee...thanks for the support fellas... I know I don't please everyone all the time, but I try...


Turbo... There is really nothing you can say or do to make me think any more or less of you. You've run your mouth...first in PMs to me, as said...then turned off your PMs like a chicken shit. Not only run your mouth, but threatened me.

If you want to post where I do, so be it. I'm still gonna call you out....from then, going forward...I really don't give a flying fuck, to be honest. I've read your posts...I've read your so called accomplishments...and I'm still sitting here not even close to being impressed.


I honestly don't care if you get my dry humor, sense of sarcasm...joking or not. I really could give a shit.


You say your family owns a race shop...but the only thing you did in this post is post up...oh, cry me a river, leave the guy alone, don't jump on the bandwagon...blah blah. Never did you offer your own experience, first hand knowledge, the outcome...etc.


So that mean you came to a thread I WAS POSTING ON to troll...once again, chicken shit on your part.

I work in the computer industry...and I sit behind one 6 hours a day plus at work, maybe 1-2 hours a day at home. I got all kinds of time to sit and laugh at your stupid ass. You flat out don't matter enough to me to think twice about...period.


I'm done with this conversation... For my friends, thank you for the words. You get me, you understand me...


For the haters...piss off... Why don't you take 10 minutes, read my posts...see who I've tried to help and what lengths I've gone...then come back with the shit you've thrown at me here. If you still want to run your mouth....fuck off.

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The way people normally learn is by experience...or by listening to others with experience...that's it.

I've tried to tell him that he can knock himself out by trying to balance it...but THROUGH experience...it's just not worth the work to see literally no results whatsoever. So at that point, I'd consider him wasting his time. My goal is to help people NOT waste time and be productive, to NOT have to learn things the hard way...as I have, or as others have that have taught or passed that on to me.


I can tell you the stove is hot, don't touch it. I can tell you you're gonna get burned, don't touch it. I can tell you it hurt like hell...don't touch it. You want to touch it anyways....yeah, I'm gonna laugh at you and call you a dumbass...


That's how it is...like it or not.


Rippen and theshee...thanks for the support fellas... I know I don't please everyone all the time, but I try...


Turbo... There is really nothing you can say or do to make me think any more or less of you. You've run your mouth...first in PMs to me, as said...then turned off your PMs like a chicken shit. Not only run your mouth, but threatened me.

If you want to post where I do, so be it. I'm still gonna call you out....from then, going forward...I really don't give a flying fuck, to be honest. I've read your posts...I've read your so called accomplishments...and I'm still sitting here not even close to being impressed.


I honestly don't care if you get my dry humor, sense of sarcasm...joking or not. I really could give a shit.


You say your family owns a race shop...but the only thing you did in this post is post up...oh, cry me a river, leave the guy alone, don't jump on the bandwagon...blah blah. Never did you offer your own experience, first hand knowledge, the outcome...etc.


So that mean you came to a thread I WAS POSTING ON to troll...once again, chicken shit on your part.

I work in the computer industry...and I sit behind one 6 hours a day plus at work, maybe 1-2 hours a day at home. I got all kinds of time to sit and laugh at your stupid ass. You flat out don't matter enough to me to think twice about...period.


I'm done with this conversation... For my friends, thank you for the words. You get me, you understand me...


For the haters...piss off... Why don't you take 10 minutes, read my posts...see who I've tried to help and what lengths I've gone...then come back with the shit you've thrown at me here. If you still want to run your mouth....fuck off.


Dave, where do you dig up these guys you get in technical discussions with? This entire thread seems to be very similair to the classic OJ Cool threads. :biggrin:

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I guess when you post enough, BS or not....it's bound to happen....oh well.

That sounds about right.



Actually, Ithinmk the thing with Turbo is, that he has seen / read about alot of stuff, but not actually done it himself and seems easily excited when you start to get out on the fringe of his understanding on a subject......................., but what do I know, I'm just a silly asshole. :biggrin:

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