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should i balance my lockup?


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I can read, Tex. says balance is better. Daj. says its not necessary in this case and the only person to think so doesnt have a lockup.Tex. gets offended by this and says Daj. family will work for him one day (what this comment has to do with banshees is still a question)then offers to see Daj,in the sand so he can close Daj,s. pie hole.Daj. says it was all good until his familly was bought into this for no reason and offers his schedule to Tex for a future showdown.Everybody except for the thread starter disagree's with Tex.Tex gets offended again and says can anybody read on this Fucking forum.

I say let him do whatever he wants to his bike.Will it make a difference,probably not.But like Tex said balance is better so it cant hurt.

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I can read, Tex. says balance is better. Adj. says its not necessary in this case and the only person to think so doesn't have a lockup.Tex. gets offended by this and says Adj. family will work for him one day (what this comment has to do with banshees is still a question)then offers to see Adj,in the sand so he can close Adj,s. pie hole.Adj. says it was all good until his family was bought into this for no reason and offers his schedule to Tex for a future showdown.Everybody except for the thread starter disagrees with Tex.Tex gets offended again and says can anybody read on this Fucking forum.

I say let him do whatever he wants to his bike.Will it make a difference,probably not.But like Tex said balance is better so it cant hurt.[/quot




HAHAHA wow. um just wow, smoke some more of that shit dude. Read all the post and it is clear I never said I knew all I just gave you the engineering run down. I was Called out by someone who wants to be right so the quarrel started. I HAVE YET TO SAY YOUR FUCKING WRONG AND I'M RIGHT. Some one please find it so I can edit it. so whats your point? Or do you have one? Or is it your point to stick your .02 in and try to stir up some shit?

Edited by TexasBansheeMan
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I can read, Tex. says balance is better. Adj. says its not necessary in this case and the only person to think so doesn't have a lockup.Tex. gets offended by this and says Adj. family will work for him one day (what this comment has to do with banshees is still a question)then offers to see Adj,in the sand so he can close Adj,s. pie hole.Adj. says it was all good until his family was bought into this for no reason and offers his schedule to Tex for a future showdown.Everybody except for the thread starter disagrees with Tex.Tex gets offended again and says can anybody read on this Fucking forum.

I say let him do whatever he wants to his bike.Will it make a difference,probably not.But like Tex said balance is better so it cant hurt.[/quot

HAHAHA wow. um just wow, smoke some more of that shit dude. Read all the post and it is clear I never said I knew all I just gave you the engineering run down. I was Called out by someone who wants to be right so the quarrel started. I HAVE YET TO SAY YOUR FUCKING WRONG AND I'M RIGHT. Some one please find it so I can edit it. so whats your point? Or do you have one? Or is it your point to stick your .02 in and try to stir up some shit?


Just in from smokin.Tex you misunderstood me,I agree with you"balance is better".But why did you have to become the boss of Dajogejr family??All he's saying is the fact that you dont have a lock up.What the FUCK does family have to do with it??Your goin at a guys with years of experience about a part you dont even have.You should apoligize.What they are saying is that its not worth it to do the mod.Thats it.

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I never said do it my way. If a man wants to sand the P/c off his frame instead of having it sand blasted thats his deal. I will tell him what i know about finishes and support him. Thats all I did here, I'm not out to change someones mind about what they want to do. I just gave facts That I work with on a daily basis, on a lot more sophisticated equipment than a banshee. I know these guys race all the time but guess what big deal. All the tricks they got come from someone like StreetShee who said Fuck the norm Ima do it My way. Now his family got involved when he Dogged something I worked my ass off for. I put MYSELF through school to get my degree and land the job of my dreams. How is someone who I'm guessing has no degree in this field going to tell me I have no background? Just baffles me.


No I should not talk about his people, But I wont stand to be told I don't know when bro Its my EXPERTISE!

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Street shee, while you have your clutch off you should go ahead and balance your push rod. A balanced Push rod will make it vibrate so much less And shift ezer. I know i did mine!!


ok,im gonna ballance my spark plugs n caps too,ive heard u can wheelie better :biggrin:

anyway lets not argue,im gonna balance my lockup because i believe it will reduce vibration and increase bite,dont give a monkys todger what the so called profis out there say,ur not allways right even if you think so,just jumped up your own arses cos u have been on foruns for a year with 2000 posts and all of them because u hi-jack other peoples posts with conflict and stupidity. if u aint got nothing to say dont say fcukall ok.

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Ok...here's the bottom line. Since you obviously have nothing better to do with your time than waste it, go ahead. Balance it. You won't see a difference, you won't get better bite, it won't make your engine last longer...but mentally, if that puts you ahead....go ahead beefcake...whatever floats your boat. Personally, cleaning the air filter or checking your tire pressure and alignment will net you better results.



You still keep saying you're the expert....I still keep saying you don't even own this part.


Obviously we're never gonna agree on your level of expertise on a part you don't even own or use.

If the readers ONLY read that statement there, that's all that matters...


I gotta go watch some ice form on my window sill, then I'm gonna watch some paint dry. I think they're better uses of my time.....

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Ok...here's the bottom line. Since you obviously have nothing better to do with your time than waste it, go ahead. Balance it. You won't see a difference, you won't get better bite, it won't make your engine last longer...but mentally, if that puts you ahead....go ahead beefcake...whatever floats your boat. Personally, cleaning the air filter or checking your tire pressure and alignment will net you better results.



You still keep saying you're the expert....I still keep saying you don't even own this part.


Obviously we're never gonna agree on your level of expertise on a part you don't even own or use.

If the readers ONLY read that statement there, that's all that matters...


I gotta go watch some ice form on my window sill, then I'm gonna watch some paint dry. I think they're better uses of my time.....

because he doesnt own one means jack shit,u dont have to own one to understand that a spinning object will spin better if its ballanced. u mongol.u go watch paint dry,obviosly u dont know how to do anytin else.suckit.

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You two stupid asses just don't get it, do you?


There's this little thing called Theory....and this thing called reality.


EVERYTHING you two are saying is based on theory....

I'm giving you the answer (as is EVERYONE ELSE) based on reality....reality of our own personal experience.


You guys win, I obviously can't beat the smart into you or the stupid out of you...


knock yourself out...balance that clutch lockout up...do whatever makes you happy.

Polish a boost bottle, weigh your foot pegs, make sure they're balanced, I'd hate to see you have ill handling as a result.

Make sure you match the knobbies on your tires up side to side. I'd hate for you to have 1/64 an inch of tread on the ground for one side more than the other, the results could be catastrophic....


here's the bottom line.


We got one guy that came here to ask a question who already had it made up in his mind what he was going to do.

So...stop reading this post, stop telling us...after YOU asked the question, why you're right and we're wrong....and go do it. Then bring us back all your proof as to how you're right...we'll be right here waiting....and waiting....


The other guy is just stating theory based on his lab environment....but does not have actual experience with said device. People have told him the engine as a whole is a mis-balanced NON-perfect rotating assembly, to try and perfect every gram of that is worthless and pointless. You will see NO results or benefits....period.


And everyone is saying the same thing...and we can all read just fine.


PLEASE....GO BALANCE your clutch. Don't post anymore....don't waste your breath...you have a time consuming important mission ahead of you. Balancing your lockout down to the tenth of a gram.

Then please post back your ground breaking results....we're all breathless with anticipation.


:banghead: :banghead:

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