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should i balance my lockup?


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You ask questions, you're given opinions from actual experience and knowledge of these bikes, then you tell us that you're right and we're wrong...


You can either ask us how to do something, or tell us how to...you can't do both.


Then you get offensive when I backup and support what I said...and not only me, but everyone else on the post as well.

We are all wrong, you're right....sorry to contradict what you already made your mind up to do.


Good riddance....

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I never said there would be a great Gain Just stating facts. Not theory. Your a smart ass bitch aren't you? I goes on this same principal equal mass=greater centralization. If you want to drag someone through the dirt for stating their own experience with how shit works, Then FUCK YOU. Its simple If I say something you dont like rebuttal, dont try to call someone out. Thats kinda a Bitch Move. I stated my opinion weather right or wrong its mine, you got yours and I have no problem with that. Its you who has the problem, get your head out of your all knowing ass and see that people might not need to own a lockup to know how it fucking works. Dont hate that I paid to go to school MYSELF and now employ your FAMILY. Go ahead talk some more shit for no reason............

fuckin yehman,go get em!!!!!

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I never said there would be a great Gain Just stating facts. Not theory. Your a smart ass bitch aren't you? I goes on this same principal equal mass=greater centralization. If you want to drag someone through the dirt for stating their own experience with how shit works, Then FUCK YOU. Its simple If I say something you dont like rebuttal, dont try to call someone out. Thats kinda a Bitch Move. I stated my opinion weather right or wrong its mine, you got yours and I have no problem with that. Its you who has the problem, get your head out of your all knowing ass and see that people might not need to own a lockup to know how it fucking works. Dont hate that I paid to go to school MYSELF and now employ your FAMILY. Go ahead talk some more shit for no reason............



No problem...I got all night.

How can I drag you through the dirt for stating their own experience....when, wait...YOU DON'T HAVE any...


And yes, when you talk out your ass about something you don't know anything about...guess what, you're getting called out.

You're welcome to state your opinion... but how much weight do you think it's gonna carry with no practical experience...


And my Family? Who's being a bitch??


Good news...


My Family owns stock in Hooked On Phonics...looks like stock just went up...as long as there is people like you, their retirements are set.


We also own shares in cry baby whine towels, looks like that's going to be an up and comer as well....


People like me think on our feet from our own life experiences, we give people like you a long white coat, a few test tubes and some sample racks to hide you in a corner to keep you from embarrassing yourself.

Looks like someone wasn't doing their job and you got out....back to the lab, rat boy....

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HAHAHAHAHA Wow now that 1st grade. Keep running your mouth. See you somewhere and we can talk then. I never said you did not have a valid point all I stated was FACTS not what worked last week. But has worked and will work till the end of time. Like I said No large increase of anything will be noticed just the knowing, That your that much more into your shee. If you wanna run your mouth some more just save it for the sand. I will be making a few meets this year you will have your chance to open that Pie hole then.

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how can u be so stupid with only one head dajoger? bollocks m8,come my way n u get a chelsea smile,shit u not.


Actually it's very very easy. I read what people like you write, then I just dumb myself down to your level...and it just takes off from there. Although, when it comes to utter stupidity....I usually lose to people like you based on your vast experience....

So...good job. You're number 1.



HAHAHAHAHA Wow now that 1st grade. Keep running your mouth. See you somewhere and we can talk then. I never said you did not have a valid point all I stated was FACTS not what worked last week. But has worked and will work till the end of time. Like I said No large increase of anything will be noticed just the knowing, That your that much more into your shee. If you wanna run your mouth some more just save it for the sand. I will be making a few meets this year you will have your chance to open that Pie hole then.


Tell you what...check out the riding section, every time I'm gonna be somewhere to ride I PROMISE to post it up so you can "talk" to me and you can try to shut my pie hole. First you talk about my family, then you're subtly threating me...

Lab rat, you better bring more than your extensive knowledge from "first hand experience" if you plan on taking me on, any way you desire...


How can you keep saying you're stating FACTS when you DON'T OWN A LOCKOUT??????????

That's pretty much like me calling up W. with no political or government experience and telling how to run the country.

Ok...maybe that's a bad example...but, the point is what it is.


You see my bike in my sig, it'll look the same. dajogejr is on a sticker in the back window of my Dodge RAM.

Make no mistake about who I am and where I'll be....

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wow, a little difference of opnions and everyone wants to get into a physical fight......lol....


Yep...no kidding.

I was fine with the Banter until Super QA man had to mention my family or "shutting my pie hole"...so...piss on him and his buddy across the pond.

I don't take that shit lightly....

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I will see you there. Its funny your last post seems passive NAd my first hand experience is design and physics of motion. Say what you feel bro but when you have a problem youe go to who a professional guess where he got the answer..... The book us LAB RATS wrote!! lol Bro you got major issues! Because I tell someone to go for it, I must have missed the sign that said I was on your forum, You single me out like I said THIS is the LAW!! HAHAHA glad to know your so sensitive. Just because your pissed at streetshee, Doesn't mean I am on his side. I got a point you got a point. The only diff. You have a problem. So talk shit if you feel the need. I am done with this topic and also with you and this umm pissing match. We will see each other this year. Im easy to spot as well. We can talk, drink a beer, or bust heads its all good with me!

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Yep...no kidding.

I was fine with the Banter until Super QA man had to mention my family or "shutting my pie hole"...so...piss on him and his buddy across the pond.

I don't take that shit lightly....



You called me into this!!! Your first post called mo out and all I said is Balance = Bite. SO take what you want lightly or heavy. I got a temper as well I dont like to be dragger into other problems. Never said you were wrong just defended my statement after being attacked.

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OMG can anyone read in this fuckin forum? I NEVER SAID HE WAS WRONG! I STATED THE TRU MECHANICAL FACT BALANCED IS BETTER. Never said It will make a 15 hp gain or anythig to that extent I just told him to go for it. I was attacked for stating my point? WTF Take it how you want it but I just dont give a fuck. I BOW TO NO ONE!! You all know so much that when an alternitive is introduced that dont play well with your ideas you get pissed? Wow .......

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