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should i balance my lockup?


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you ever balance a connecting rod on an engine? you have to use a special fixture so you can weigh both ends of the rod separate and you have to match the weights of the big ends and the weights of the small ends along with making the over all weights of all the rods the same.


taking the weight off of the bolts like you are trying to do is not gonna do anything for ya. either is balancing your lockup. but if you still think you need to do so, go right ahead its your time not ours.

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But the guys here only like insiders and don't value outsiders opinions until you have been let into the "clique".... well I have to say that's just bullshit. Everyone is created equal.... but some people don't know what that means. Just too much horn tooting around here for me alot of the time.


Where is this "clique" that you speak of? :shrug:

All I see is a bunch of folks that mainly love the sport that is atving.

Lots of them are expressing their opinions and experiences with

these machines. Some dissagree and go about their business.

Some disagree and get really mad and close their self off to the

other side of the arguement. And some come in with an idea

that may sound like they are being an asshole. A text conversation

is harder to convey over an internet forum than it is....say across

a dinner table or at a pub or desk.


The banshee was designed to be used off road. If it had been an

on road machine, like say a motorcycle, yamaha may have

designed it with better tolerances. Oh, but that opens up another

can of worms. Didnt the banshee's engine derive from the the

rd or rz streetbikes? They must have been ballanced to a certain

point. But they may have been built with different tollerances. :geek:

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Well.. I got to pondering on something last night.. Before the fingers could even be "balanced" wouldn't the lock up itself have to be perfectly mounted/aligned to center on the pressure plate so that itself spins true first? Then once you can repeated mount/center the lockup in the exact same place every time then you'd have to make sure the lock up is balanced also before you start balancing the fingers.. Is my theory off?


I dont have a paper saying I'm a expert so its going to remain a theory..

Edited by Fouledout421
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Don't let the fact that it rides/rests on springs until a certain RPM locks it against the pressure plate fool you either....




Thats kinda what I was getting at.. There is no constant mounting point.. so its going to be off balance from the start regardless of the finger weight. I'm no expert but I'm thinking there is supposed to be a "constant" in this formula somwhere..

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Dave...I can tell you exactly where Turbo's comments came from.

Read all you want...it's old news...


I don't know it all, far from it....but I don't forget much at all...old or new.


Yeah, thats where I remember his screen name.


Thats kinda what I was getting at.. There is no constant mounting point.. so its going to be off balance from the start regardless of the finger weight. I'm no expert but I'm thinking there is supposed to be a "constant" in this formula somwhere..


I guess you would also have to have some springs of equal weight and tension also.


On another tangent:

I noticed my lockup appeared to be wobbling inside the cover, the first time i ran it.

I betcha I reinstalled the sumbitch out 8 times and it still looks like it wobbles. This is at idle.

It clears up after about 2k or so. I even talked to directdrive about it and they told me

if it doesnt cause any extra vibration or noise to run it. :geek:

Anyone else notice this? :shrug:

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you guys are a buncha dicks sometimes. The man had a legit question. State your opinions on his questions with solid answers and shove the nastyness up your asses.


I say balance em. As long as your having fun, what does it matter if it works or not ? Any anal retentive personality would balance those arms without a second thought. If it doesnt help any.. then big deal... cause I dont see how it can hurt.


We have a large wood chipper where I work, the chipper wheels holds sixteen 3x13 inch knives. I sharpen these chipper knives and then balance the sharpened knives to the tenth of a gram. If I would put the heaviest knive at the top of the wheel and then the lightest knife on the bottom of the wheel and continuted all the way around the wheel like that, the chipper would shake the building down. This chipper spins around 800 rpm. I don't know if this reeeeelly relates to the lockup question, but I thought id tell yas how I balance a 4 foot diamter chipper wheel.

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I think you're missing the point...or didn't read the whole thing.

We tried telling him go ahead and do it, however...you won't notice or see any results.


He came here asking for advice...which we all freely gave based on our own experience.


WE ALL said the same thing, except Texas...


I understand the need to gather info and make a sound decision...but what irks me is asking a question, getting answers and pretty much ignoring those like you already made up your mind in the first place....


I tried to state my opinion backed with personal experience and facts. That wasn't good enough....


You've made a very good point as an example, and you're also right...size to weight to RPM proportionate, I don't think it would relate....in this case anyways...

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well now that we got judge daj's approval.... :biggrin: oh yeah btw... really old news. But i'm glad you could drag that one back up. :confused:


you guys are a buncha dicks sometimes. The man had a legit question. State your opinions on his questions with solid answers and shove the nastyness up your asses.



Thanx meat! Glad I'm not the only one standing here

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Im showin this thread has 3 pages, I read the whole first page and got about halfway through the second page and I kinda lost interest. It just seemed this dude got jumped on pretty easily and I thought id say hello. ah either way, fightin' is entertainin' :biggrin:


round 2 go !

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well now that we got judge daj's approval.... :biggrin: oh yeah btw... really old news. But i'm glad you could drag that one back up. :confused:

Thanx meat! Glad I'm not the only one standing here


You're not standing, you're barely even kneeling... You make no sense...and don't even have a single leg to stand on...period.

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There has been a couple times reading through this thread that I was gonna say something but decided to bite my lip.. Well untill now..


All I can say is I have seen Dave give HUNDEREDS of people GOOD advice and did it only because he wants and chooses to help others.. I have asked questions from him in PM's and he has been quick to help or honest enough to admit when he isn't sure.. HE IS NOT THE PROBLEM and Iam having a hard time understanding where Meat is coming from.. It appears to me that Dave was the first one to start RECIEVING shots.. I think the thing with Texas was more of a misunderstanding and I agree with both parties.. Again, between the two I think it was misunderstanding.. HOWEVER with streetshee I think he already has his mind made up before the question was asked like others have stated.. Then he has the gull to talk shit.. THEN there are guys that point fingers after not reading the full thread.. THEN on top of that you have guys on soap boxes saying how great other sites are and how shitty HQ is because of the arguments..


My opinion.. You don't like HQ and wanna go to a different site such as PS(planet shit IMO).. SEE YA.. But I can also say you would be making a mistake.. I think there is VERY little drama here compared to teh good that comes out.. Iam not posting in this thread to make enemys.. I have allot of people on here i would consider friends.. HQ has been good to me and the people I have delt with recently(you know who you are) have been a great pleasure dealing with.. Hell, I didn't even post in the topic to contribute to the subject as I have niether a lock-up or a degree stating I know anything related to it.. However I did post to say some of you guys need to re-read this thread more clearly and in full before busting Dave's or anyone elses balls.. Think what you want but I feel privilaged to have Dave as well as a few others in this thread around HQ.. They have contributed more than anyone could ask..


-gets off soap box- :yelrotflmao:



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whatever daj... your not worth the key strokes. :down: we will never see eye to eye, so get over it.


rippen.... i know you like daj. So i understand where you feel you have to take a side between me and him. The HQ has been good to you.... it has to me as well. But I seem to have several haters following me around then I guess. Cause I always seem to find the banter. I was asked to this thread because people can't just say "bad idea" or "good idea". It seems always to come back to the shit talking about who's shit don't stink. What certain people need to understand is... most people like me don't like that stupid shit. Noone wants to post on a topic so they can get ripped a new asshole because of what people think of them. For instance... If I siad I was a trucker, then 5 people would get all over me saying things like... all you know is 18 wheelers... blah blah. There is more to people out there then whay say here. Like tex... he said he was a QC guy... then he got ripped for being a QC guy... blah blah ... "go back to your lab"...... see my piont. Daj is a smart guy yes...never called him stupid! but he always takes to other side of a conversation. He wants only to argue.... at least from my dealings with him. So I try not to step in front of a speeding bullet. this is what i mean when I get on my soapbox. Someone has to

Edited by TurboBanshee420
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