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Dead Cyclinder?

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I would be trying other known good components in the ignition, then checking the clearances in the motor.

Something isn't right...



i actually tried that too i swiped the whole deal stator flywheel coil and cdi off a buddies running bike and still had the same problem but the bike ran this time.. this thing had been sitting for like a year in some hillbillies garage luckly without gas in it but i took of the stator cover and it was all rusted out so i changed it all out with new stuff.. could the reeds possibly be causing this after all they were on the bike when i got it so god only knows how many hours are on that stuff... But i do agree the compression is LOW for what i got but its surprisingly even in both cyclinders considering one of them wont run and the other does and also the bike fires up on 1 kick even when cold? Shit i fold boys lol

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What kind of reeds are you running? Mine did the same thing when the V Force reed assembly popped out of the housing in the frame around the assembly. It was caused by the reed spacer being located on the wrong side. It didn't "sandwich" the frame for the reed assembly together because the frame for the reed valve was the same size and the reed valve spacer. If the reed valves don't close when the engine cycles the air fuel doesn't flow correctly and will pass back through the reed valve into the carb. I chased my ass around for a day and a half before I figured it out. It just wouldn't fire on one side. If I ran the RPMs up on it, it would fire about 30% but at idle the one side was just dead. I suppose a missing, broken, or cracked petal on a stock reed valve could do the same thing. Other then that I think V Force 2s are the only ones in 2 pieces. :confused:


Good Luck



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I have tried swapping reeds side to side and nothing I am running FMFs that were already in it and are good


blkshee199 has VF3 brand new



Hey dustin its ryan you tool lol but they are used VF2's like i said earlier i may have to swap in my stockers to see if there is any change...

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