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Sta-Bil Stabilizer

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I dump one of those big bottles in my 55 gallon drum of 110 Race Fuel. That way it is always in there. Plus hopefully it will keep my fuel fresh


Most race fuel stations around here already have Stabil or other sort of product like that in their tanks.


Some places around here actually fill them with Race gas in the summer, kerosene in the winter...


My advice if you're not going to run it all winter is drain the carbs and gas tank, remove each plug and put a cap full of your premix oil in each cylinder to coat the cylinders.


Might even mix up a batch of like 16:1 fuel/oil and run the bike to warm it up to get the crank bearings all lubed up for storage...


Does it say on the Stabil packet if it's compatible with 2 stroke oil premix? I haven't used it in years....

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I use it in my generator, lawnmower ect.., but Dave is right. Depending on what kind of two stroke oil you are using, it most likely already has a stabilizer in it.

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I also use Sta-bil in my engines but I have recently found something better. First of to explain what my reasoning for buying this product is. In Nj, The gas is mixed at 90% petrol and 10% ethanol. Now this is because of all the EPA bullshit going on to make a cleaner burning fuel. Some of you might not know that after 30 days ethanol basically turns into water. You see, Ethanol is hygroscopic, which means that it attracts water from the air . This creates a layer of water over time. I have seen first hand what this does to fuel systems over time and even my buddies brand new raptor 350. The raptor was purchased last june and sat in the showroom for a year prior to purchasing. They admittedly used Sta-bil in the the fuel but this did not take care of the water problem. All of the o-rings had dry-rotted and the jets had turned to green from exposure, (just like when your bathroom sink finally starts turning green)

Anyway, I found this product called STAR*TRON, which is made by starbrite. The product was actually created for use in either 2 stroke or 4 stroke boat motors for storage over the winter months. This product not only stabilizes Petrol for up to 1 year but also diesel fuel for up to 2 years. Not only that, it also stops the ethanol from absorbing any water. I use it all the time now and in all my family's vehicles at my auto shop that sit for while when not being driven. Each bottle is 8 ounces, which costs about $10 each and treats up to 125 gallons. You guys should definately check this stuff out though. If you guys want to see some pics of my buddies carb after sitting in the showroom for 1 year I'll post em. Go to Startron.com or starbrite.com or call then directly at 1-800-327-8583

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I am pretty sure they use that ethanol crap in the gas around here also :down: I was planning on keeping some gas in it for the winter in case I want to throw the paddles on for some snow riding, but with the gas already over 60 days old, I might want to drain it and store the bike for winter. I'll check into that Starbrite stuff for next year though...looks like good stuff. :thumbsup:


When you drain the gas out of the carbs, doesn't that dry out the seals in the carb causing rot?

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Yeah, if you drain out the gas it can cause dry rot but if you're not using that starbrite stuff, I would rather drain the gas than let water sit in them. According to the bottle if I remember correctly, you can add the startron into the gas after a period of time and it will still eat away the ethanol. On a side note. My brother and I did a little experiment at our auto shop with pump gas. After doing a fuel tank sending unit in a vehicle at the shop a while ago I saved a water bottle worth of gas from the vehicle. I let it sit just to see what would happen. And I also cleaned out all the water from the bottle before putting the gas into it. In only about 2-3 weeks I saw a film of water on the bottom of the water bottle. It was actually almost exactly 10% of the volume in the bottle. Then what I did was take my mix of 32:1 93 octane gas mixed with klotz R50 which is the premix I always use. This gas before mixing also had 10% ethanol in it. What I found was that the bottle sat and still sits today after about 2 months. All I can say is that there are trace amounts of water maybe 2-5% compared to 10% with the fuel only sample. Anyway, I didn't come to any positive conclusion but it seemed like with the oil mix, Ethanol is slower to absorb moisture from the air.

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I just checked the back of a regular Sta-bil bottle, and it says it "contains a water remover." Wonder if this would help stop the effect of ethanol turing to water? :shrug:


Ethanol doent magicly turn in to water. It pulls moisture out of the air. That is how the water gets in to the fuel. The moisture collects on the bottom since fuel floats on water and doesnt mix. Stabil or Star Tron wont keep the ethanol from taking on moisutre. What it does is keep the water from seperating out and it gets run through the engine. That is how it removes water.



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