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Brake Line Clamps.


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I was thinking of cleaning up my front brake line run (currently zip tied to my tie rods!!) and was wondering what most people do to secure their brake lines to their suspension.

Should I run 2 on each side? Connect to upper or lower arm? Which side...front or rear? What do you do to deal with the varying length created by turning?

I only ride in sand so if that makes a difference in your recommendation...there it is!!


Thanks, Jay.

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mine are ziptied to the upper arm, on the rear section. that keeps them tight and out of the way. are for the length change, between the last zip and the caliper itself, i made a little s-section. it was kinda funny looking at first, but now that they have been that way for two years they took on a more natural shape, and look kinda neat I think.

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Yeah, I got 2 sets of billet clamps on my upper rods, I put them on the front of the bike, I don't know why though, I'll probably put them on the back of the arm sooner or later.





how long are your brake lines. i have streamlines plus 2 and they like just make it to my caliper. they woudl never make it to the front of my a-arms. does anyone elsa have the same lines as me and if so how much left to you have near your caliper and master.



as for my lines i have them zip tied to my upper a-arms for now. sooner or later i will have billet ones.

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