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This is for YOU, TurboBanshee420

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Well...since you had the ballz to run your mouth to me in PM...then decided to turn off your incoming PMs so I couldn't respond (Chicken shit move....) Here's my response for all to see.


See...I don't have to hide from anyone or anything in PMs...I post my shit on the forums....for all to see, take it or leave it.

You and your brother can stroke each other over this:




ouch you have a monoblock... how much did you pay to have someone do that for you? I don't need to pay for that garbage. last dyno I did with the stock crank/cyl. made 50.2 at the wheels. go ahead and waste you time, cause you still haven't done anything to 1up me...except maybe show me what a complete jackass you really are. you remind me of an empowered redneck who got picked on in school


Aw...I have a fan. How nice...

Obviously I've left an impression on you since you initiated this conversation...I'm flattered...truly, I am.


50.2 HP at the rear wheels...and you're trying to brag about that? you have got to be kidding me...


So...with your master porting, you were able to get 5 to 10 more HP than a bone stock bike with only bolt ons?


Since I don't own a casting company or manufacturing plant....I had to buy my cylinder...kinda like you did when you bought a banshee...or let me guess...you make your own cylinders too...right? Nice try...


50.2 HP...WOW...what an animal you are. You must be a retard. I could port a cylinder with one eye open after a long night of drinking and a bad hangover and get more HP out of an OEM cylinder than that.


Does your family actually let you work at their hot rod shop? I bet business is just booming thanks to your profound knowledge...50.2...that's pathetic....I wouldn't even lay claim to that or even mention that....Now wonder you're trying to get a turbo to work...maybe then you could hit like what...75HP? Wow..real screamer there....


I didn't know I could think any less of you....but, you did prove me wrong. Cause now I do...


carry on porting king....

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Yeah...he had the nerve to call me "Tubby"...

I told him he can come to MI and call me anything he wants, cause I'd make him my bitch....


This is the same crybaby that was going on and on about how cool he was running from the cops in NY, etc....

It went from a good thread about a turbo bike to him being Billy Bad Ass....keyboard/Internet Tough guy....


Like I have time for kids.....

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I dont know about tubby. You look alot like Dan Wade from Patriot Racing. I wouldn't mess with that guy, he is like 6'4" 290lbs. He races motocross and has hands the size of Delaware. Squash me like a bug if he got pissed. Good thing we are buddies though. :biggrin:

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You know, he claimed he has had like 3 or 4 usernames on here, but he couldn't remember them or the passwords. I bet he either smokes too much pot, or he has been ran out of here. I bet on the last one though, he has superior people, and communicative skills even over the internet. :biggrin:

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You know, he claimed he has had like 3 or 4 usernames on here, but he couldn't remember them or the passwords. I bet he either smokes too much pot, or he has been ran out of here. I bet on the last one though, he has superior people, and communicative skills even over the internet. :biggrin:



Its easy to find out who has fake or multipul accounts just get Loco or any mod to do an IP check it will tell you all of the screennames used how many posts per name ect. Then all you have to do is click the ban knob. Or have a little fun with them before IP banning them.

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50.2!!!! Thats unheard of!! I can't even begin to imagine all the time and tuning involved to get that. He should get builder of the year award. I can see his exceptance speech now..


"first off.. I would like to thank my Mom and Dad... with out their funding non of this would have been possible. Also.. I'd like to thank God.. for giving me the gift of tuning.. With out him.. there was no way my banshee could have seen 50.2 HP. And Lastly.. I'd like to give a thanks to my sponsor.. Earl's speed shop, who supplied me with the custom tie dyed Powerbands and the tripple show polished boost bottle with intergrated air distriubtion tube. Thanks everyone GOOD NIGHT!!!"

Edited by Fouledout421
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I'm confused Daj, What is this all about? Was he trying to say his bike is better and you can't build a bike or something? I don't mean this post to piss you off, I was just curious :shrug:



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This turbo guy decided to pm us (me awhile ago), and Daj earlier today. He just basically tells you how you suck, then he tells you how he is better. I almost forgot the part about how he is the master tuner/builder and he is never wrong, but we are.

Edited by Snopczynski
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This turbo guy decided to pm us (me awhile ago), and Daj earlier today. He just basically tells you how you suck, then he tells you how he is better. I almost forgot the part about how he is the master tuner/builder and he is never wrong, but we are.


Oh gotcha :thumbsup:


So basically, we should give up and let his superiority rule over? At least that is what I'm thinking and I don't even know what the hell is going on :laugh:

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But it's so fun! You 2 butt monkeys make a boring night at work fly by!! Shit man... i only posted my bike to open a few doors to the new millenium's technology, but certain people just can't handle the new guy stompin' around in their back yard. Esspecially one like me who likes to stir it up a bit. If you 2 don't like it then you never should have put your asses on my shit list with the first swings you took. Sure I ride the trails that were once ours (now a state park) and get chased here and there.... I didn't think that would qualify me as an asshole. I only wish I could live a few miles from the dunes. But I don't so I take it when I can get it. As for your doubts in my expertise.... I don't care. Do yourself a favor and try something out of the box for once. no insult there, just a hearty peice of advise. Cause sticking your chest out about how you can put together a monoblock and throwing a set of carbs on there isn't much to brag about where I come from. The very reason I built the turbo banshee is for posts like " turbo banshee's never run right" and " it will never work".... which usually works it's way out of the mouths of negative ass keyboard bullies like daj and snop. So much for comrodairy(sp) eh? I've found a few friends here just like i found 2 enemies. And for those people who still have faith in my project, they will leave this site after reading the things I've gone through knowing a bit more about the unknown. And as soon as I'm done with this house buying shit then I'll give you all a roost with the turbobanshee to show it's finished and tuned.


daj and snop.... your right the world is flat.... ignorant dicks

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The very reason I built the turbo banshee is for posts like " turbo banshee's never run right" and " it will never work".... which usually works it's way out of the mouths of negative ass keyboard bullies like daj and snop.


I don't ever think i read on here that turbos never work on banshees...I remember reading how much of a pain in the ass they were to get dialed in..once they were dialed in they ran great but never read that it couldn't be done. In that same paragraph I read that with the amount of time, money and energy it took to get one dialed in was really not worth the time for the average joe but that it was possible and could be done. From what I have read since being a member on this site for a long time I have never had the impression Daj or Snop are keyboard bullies...In fact they are up standing members who have clue as to what they are talking about and offer info that is very helpful and will correct any info that is wrong but keyboard bullies...I think not

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