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This is for YOU, TurboBanshee420

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I don't ever think i read on here that turbos never work on banshees...I remember reading how much of a pain in the ass they were to get dialed in..once they were dialed in they ran great but never read that it couldn't be done. In that same paragraph I read that with the amount of time, money and energy it took to get one dialed in was really not worth the time for the average joe but that it was possible and could be done. From what I have read since being a member on this site for a long time I have never had the impression Daj or Snop are keyboard bullies...In fact they are up standing members who have clue as to what they are talking about and offer info that is very helpful and will correct any info that is wrong but keyboard bullies...I think not


I couldn't agree more....they have always had informative posts, and obviously know their shit :thumbsup:

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That's just the thing man!!!..... I've never once said they don't. I just PM'd daj because he ALWAYS snipes my posts, and I wanted to razz him a bit. I could quote a few posts where I've been told I was wrong, or told I don't know what I'm talking about....hummmmm


the longer the intake tract.... the lower in rpm the power falls. Same affect the length of your pipe has on a motor.


short pipe=high rpm power

long pipe=low rpm power


If your running a 2-1 pipe and carb then you might want to get some spacers to compliment the package.


I run spacers on my bike because I wanted the extra space behind the reeds for some air movement for my portjob. The extra 1/2" helps I think. This way the reeds don't smack the case @ full swing.


I believe I was told I'm wrong about this too... need I go back into the "turbo banshee's" topic to see what I can find?


See from my chair... I have to fight to the bitter end to prove my pionts, because people have a grudge against anything I have to say... right or wrong. It's been like this ever since I dropped the comment about smokin' a few cop'ers. Well like someone said.... "we've all been chased at one time or another". We fight our asses off around where I live to keep places to ride, even if it means doing it anyways, regardless...


Maybe I haven't been reading every post on the hq that these guys have written so I don't know their backgrounds. But when someone attacks me, I will defend myself!!! Period!


any of you would do the same


So rally the troops daj/snop cause your only going to be fighting your own shadow. I might not fit into your clique, but that doesn't make me stupid...



and you call me a kid...

50.2 HP at the rear wheels...and you're trying to brag about that? you have got to be kidding me...


So...with your master porting, you were able to get 5 to 10 more HP than a bone stock bike with only bolt ons?


Since I don't own a casting company or manufacturing plant....I had to buy my cylinder...kinda like you did when you bought a banshee...or let me guess...you make your own cylinders too...right? Nice try...


50.2 HP...WOW...what an animal you are. You must be a retard. I could port a cylinder with one eye open after a long night of drinking and a bad hangover and get more HP out of an OEM cylinder than that.


Does your family actually let you work at their hot rod shop? I bet business is just booming thanks to your profound knowledge...50.2...that's pathetic....I wouldn't even lay claim to that or even mention that....Now wonder you're trying to get a turbo to work...maybe then you could hit like what...75HP? Wow..real screamer there....


please dude... spare me with this retarded shit. you think your the only person with access to a dyno?


take a look... http://www.baldturbofreak.com/html/


just a few of the cars we've done. The twin turbo camero is the center piece of what we've learned about turbo's. It made 1008rwhp before the tune.

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good! One down one to go. Cause this is already getting old... not like it wasn't already old news in the first place.


contorted! I think not. I've been misquoted more times than oprah has went back to being fat. and I'm pretty tired of it. I've been the HQ punching bag for long enough!

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good! One down one to go. Cause this is already getting old... not like it wasn't already old news in the first place.


contorted! I think not. I've been misquoted more times than oprah has went back to being fat. and I'm pretty tired of it. I've been the HQ punching bag for long enough!


I dont think anyone here has said you cant get a turbo right on a banshee.

Dan Hull has proven time and again that turbo shee motors can be fast as hell,he has one that runs 9.30 1/4 miles at 130 mph.


The real issue here is you cant take it when someone calls you out on some incorrect information.


you can say what you what....I know Dajogejr personally and that guy is an open book of information that he is willing to share with anybody that treats him with a lil bit of common courtesy.


I dont know Snop. real well yet but from the posts ive read he is very knowledgeable himself on these motors and chimes in quite frequently to help others on the HQ.


The bottom line is this....if they called you out for some BS information....its prolly just that BS information.



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The real issue here is you cant take it when someone calls you out on some incorrect information



When did I spout bs info? Let face it folks.... the hatred started from the cops thing... I don't blow a gasket when people call me on some bogus info. I keep my mouth shut when I don't know the answer.


The real problem is the concensis that I'm the enemy. None of you even know me. If fact none of you even live anywhere near me. So I'm sure it couldn't be any harder for you guys to put yourselves in my shoes. Go read through my posts. The only time I've been a dick to anyone is when these 2 guys start tag-teaming everything i say and misquote and twist my words to make me out to be an irresponsible idiot. When that isn't who I am. All I wanted, was to get a little respect and show the banshee community that there is an alternative to the same ol'... cub this, cheetah that.


But thanx 2 these 2 I've been on the defence ever since my first post. Tell me.... how would you have done it differently. Was I supposed to be an ass kisser? That's not the type of person I am....sorry. But I'm not to proud to admit when I'm wrong!

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You must be like 18 years old...

Cry me a river you little baby....


first off, I got on a post about Reed Spacers not doing shit...you need them for bigger carbs to clear the clutch arm on stock cylinders.


Yeah...I bought a monoblock, so have a ton of people. I would say I'd like to see you get 120HP out of stock cylinders on alky...but, you think you rediscovered the world with your whopping 50.2....so, we all know that's not gonna happen. And YOU have access to a dyno...I don't. I just pay to rent one like everyone else...that's the sad part.


Here we go with the car thing again... I'm sure Your family runs a great race shop...for cars. If they're half as retarded and ignorant as you...though...I doubt it.


You think because you can get a dyno that say a car has XX amount of HP....you know shit about banshees?


I keep hearing about this so called banshee and turbo knowledge...yet, as said...where is it? You think you're the only one that has to buy a house, or have a family, or is busy...?

Maybe it's because you like to start the topic (a la stir shit) then basically you don't have a clue how to finish it...hell, probably don't even know where to start....


You think you're cutting new ground cause you're gonna throw a turbo on a banshee?? It was done a LONG time ago...and they're already proven. You're not cutting any new ground there, Columbus....nice try....


Turbo banshees are fast as hell, when they run right, and when they stay tuned. The addition of fuel injection should make that better...but then again, your so called still working on yours. Hell...a genius like you should have this done in a weekend....


Like I said....you don't know shit like you claim to...


And YOU started it yesterday with a PM to me. Then your chicken shit ass turned off your PMs before I could respond...


Like I've already said...the only thing running is your mouth....that's it. My shit is proven...it's not the fastest, it's not the slowest...but it runs....


When you can say the same about your BANSHEE (not mom and pop's Midas Muffler shop) then post up....so...yeah, put up or shut up. Let's see videos of this 7th wonder of the world...


Oh that's right...we won't. Just you flapping your gums at me and Snop.....

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Ah...no big deal, RZ...

This is all about him being the man, me not knowing shit...like he's some Christopher Columbus because he claims his family owns a race/hot rod shop and he does all his own work...


In fact, he's doing the same thing I am. Buying parts...assembling a motor. Now if he actually casted and made the parts he's talking about...then I'd be impressed, but he's not.


For all I know...they own a "Ben and Mike's" quick oil change shop and he's their Janitor...pretty soon, lube tech...


His own admission is once he gets the house done, etc., he'll get the project going again...so, obviously he's not the genius he thinks he is. If he was the man, it'd be done already...


And I don't see any track times, dyno sheets, etc....just a bunch of hot air...


That whole "I'm a jackass cause I ride on the streets and run from the police cause I'm cool" was a long time ago...he brought things back up, started this shit storm....and I got nothing but time to call him on his BS....

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