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Although I have not worn my uniform for several years now, I have not forgotten and never will forget those who have served, those who are serving, and those who have paid the ultimate price for the freedoms and opportunity this country has to offer. From the bottom of my heart, I humbly thank all of you and your families for your sacrifice and service to the United States of America.

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Thank you guys. Can you believe that some people I talk to today didn't even know what today was.I wanted to Guillotine everyone of them and walk away whispering " Semper Fi "

its very funny you say that, today at work we asked our firesupprotman students why they joined the Marines. atfer listening to them all bullshit up a story we asked when did 9-11 happen. every one of them where like ummm 9-11..... so we had to clarify no jackass what year.... again we got its was 9-11... these guys had no clue what year the attcks even happened...

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its very funny you say that, today at work we asked our firesupprotman students why they joined the Marines. atfer listening to them all bullshit up a story we asked when did 9-11 happen. every one of them where like ummm 9-11..... so we had to clarify no jackass what year.... again we got its was 9-11... these guys had no clue what year the attcks even happened...




I hear ya. Some people di-de-dee. I totally thank you guys in the US military for fighting for our country. God bless all of you.

I did find a vid on these goofballs. WOW!

Some smart folk right here.


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