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Got laid off yesterday!


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That sucks man. I always wonder about that with me. I got 4 years in with the Rail Road. I really dont want to buy a house until I have been there for at least 8-10yrs.


At least with the rail road you dont totaly loose your job. When they need some employees back they call them back in seniority order.

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Sorry to hear it Steve...

I worked for Kmart/Penske Auto Centers from high school (93) until the day they shut their doors in April of 2002.

Worked my way up from literally changing oil, management...finally a nice corporate job in computers...

That all crashed real quick...and it sucked...I feel your pain.


Was out of work for a about a year, off and on before I found the job I have now. And that is always in the back of my mind...believe me.

You think it's bad out there...C'mon to Michigan. We have the worst economy in the country...due to the Auto Industry taking a HUGE dump.


Buyouts, layoffs, plant shut downs....the big three really hit home in MI...they literally are our economy...

Housing market is in the dumps, If your lucky your house has only depreciated 10% or so in the last 2 or 3 years...

There are tonz of people that bought way over their heads and are either losing them or taking triple, yes...triple digit losses on them...


Keep your chin up, Penske shutting down was the best thing to happen to me....it just took a while to get going again...

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Sucks to see that you got laid off. I am in construction doing underground for housing and its getting really slow. I have been hearing we may be off for 2 months this winter. I just bought a new house from KB homes and my loan is through Countrywide. I tried to keep you employed... I have always been worried about buying a house and then losing my job and now that I finally did it they start talking about lay offs....Shitty how a person can try so hard and work their way up for years and then lose everything in a day....I hope you get working somewhere soon man..Hate to see people struggle that want to work.



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It's all going to be OK for us... if you want to work... someone will find you... I'm feeling it right now... It's hard to find a job that pays what I was making right from the jump. I'm sure I'll find something though.


Dave... I was an underwriter for the mid west... I know what you're talking about on housing prices dropping... It's nuts there.


THanks for the good words guys.... I'm sure I'll find something... What is the question!!!!

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It's all going to be OK for us... if you want to work... someone will find you... I'm feeling it right now... It's hard to find a job that pays what I was making right from the jump. I'm sure I'll find something though.


Dave... I was an underwriter for the mid west... I know what you're talking about on housing prices dropping... It's nuts there.


THanks for the good words guys.... I'm sure I'll find something... What is the question!!!!

man that sucks ass,i am currently going thru a job change,i am actually going to make less $$$$ at my new job,but i think its a little more secure than what i have now.iam curantly working for a small restaurant[owner operated]and changing that for working at a marriott.its not always the money its what i told my boss when i put my 2 week notice.ill keep u in my prayer so hopefully that will help u get a job sooner,and u finish building your 370........take care brotha and good luck.......... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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damn man that just sucks, i have been out of work for a few months now due to cut backs. I originally got cut on the east cost because we had to downsize our office and came out west where we had another office which guaranteed there was a ton of work. Yeah right, I made less so it was done. Kinda odd though you mentioned country wide because they just contacted me about a job. They said they weren't hiring right this second because they are changing how there program works but it should be in the near future and they want me to come in. lol. I recently just got a new job that is awesome, still learning the main stuff but if interested I may be able to have a team under me, normally base of $25-30k plus commission which each commission ranges from 10k+ each sale. I will keep my ear out, the more people I can get the more money there is to be made. Oh and I hope you like bars because thats where you will spend your time with clients.

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