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lockout clutch

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im thinking about buying a lockout clutch ,along with a clutch disengagement adjuster i just purchased today.i want to know does anyone have a picture of how it suppose to look when its installed ,so i can have picture in my head im thinking about doing the work myself and do i have to modified my clutch cover in any way or form.thanks,blue devil

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Yeah, you'll have to cut your clutch cover and extend the part that goes ever the clutches/basket, etc. The lockout is installed on the outside of the pressure plate. All you do is pull the bolts out of your pressure plate, put the lockout over it and bolt it down with the longer bolts provided with the lockout. It can be a slight pain in the ass the first time you do it, but after you do it once, it's simple.

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i would hesitant to say "useless" , they are not bad for any motor for the simple fact that a clutch will lat you forever. They are not an absolute must unless your pumping out big numbers, but they are still worth having. only thing is your shifting will become harder because of it. so most guys o with a over ride as well with them.

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im just looking at what i can do to my bike with out going crazy..

port motor with coolhead blah blah..

or the smae with 4mm crank....

problly gunna just port the bike coolhead timing and shave the wheele..


sorry to kidnap your topic..



If you have any doubt about doing a 4 mill do it. If you decide to do it later on down the road you will probably have to get new cylinders if you get a some what agressive port job.

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I would get a direct drive lockup and clutch cover. Direct Drive makes a 100% new cast aluminum clutch cover so you dont have to cut your stock one and weld on or epoxy on the extension ring. Plus it gets rid of that vent that goes in by the water pump, and it is thicker around where the kick starter is.

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