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Making the Glamis trip.

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Im making the trip out to Glamis for Halloween. Since it falls on a Wednesday what weekend is the big party. The weekend of 27-28? or the one after? Im assuming the one before but I just wanted to be sure before booking the shipping and plane tickets.

The weekend before for me!!

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No believe me I know. I used to live in San Diego and would make all the major holiday weekends out there. Its just that there is a NY to glamis trip going out for Halloween. Shipping the Shee for 550 round trip on the tractor trailer. Cant beat that. Airfair I dont count because Ill be seeing my boys. Think Im gonna go for the weekend b4. Hope to get together with some of you guys out there. Let me know who is def. going.

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No believe me I know. I used to live in San Diego and would make all the major holiday weekends out there. Its just that there is a NY to glamis trip going out for Halloween. Shipping the Shee for 550 round trip on the tractor trailer. Cant beat that. Airfair I dont count because Ill be seeing my boys. Think Im gonna go for the weekend b4. Hope to get together with some of you guys out there. Let me know who is def. going.

Maybe you could rent a storage shed for your shee and just leave it here all winter. For the cost of 1 trip, you could store it for a year and ride as many times as you can hook up on a "space available" military flight. There are always people heading out to the dunes during the winter. :cool:


It could happen....

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That trip is full. They are heading out there thou. I need to get my hand on one of those bansheehq flags they're talkin about



I've meet a bunch of BansheeHQ.com guys out there... It's really fun! What's even more fun is meeting someone 6 hours from your house that lives less then a few miles from you... LOL Climb Any Hill lives really close to me... never met him until last dune season at Glamis. Slap a BansheeHQ.com sticker on that bad boy!

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