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Picking up my Cheetah Cub tomorrow ?


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WHY!?? How dare YOU!! People have there preferences, but synthetic oils have a higher film strength, which means it can divide the film to a thinner layer so it creeps around in tight spaces like around the rings which of course u want that contact when breaking in the bike


* and yea it smells good :biggrin:

Edited by FasterThanU90
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castor 927 oil... mixes with methanol and smells good when you ride. plus the methanol fumes give people headaches when they get stuck behind you... extra incentive for people to go bigger. :evil:

I hate you. And my cub should be at your house thursday. Hopefully brandon doesn't just throw it on ebay right away.......


And I'm with everybody else, the oil is more about preference anymore and just make sure you get it mixed right (or mixed at all for that matter). I use AMSOIL Interceptor at 40:1, works great.

Edited by bonbon
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one of my instructors was telling me BMW sumtimes does`nt use any oil in the motor to set there rings it sets them like instantly, i thought that was pretty cool

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