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Should i plee NOT GUILTY

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I got a ticket on my banshee a couple weeks ago for riding a unregistered vehicle and gave me a ticket for not having insurance on it. What's up with that i thought it was your choice not to have insurance on a 4 wheeler? What should i do try to fight it?

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depends on a lot of things. Were you on public property or private property? State park? Gotta look into your local laws. Some places the vehicle needs to be registered even on private property. The main reason for this is so people dont end up having 10 junker vehicles on blocks in their driveway in a nice neighborhood.


How much was the ticket? If you are going to fight it, you need to bring substantial evidence. Have the law in writing that doesnt say that you cant ride your 4wheeler where you were riding it with no insurance or registration. Anything else and its your word against his....and guaranteed he's more friends with the judge than you are.

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Look into your local laws.

If they require off road vehicles to carry insurance....you're hosed.


Depending on your record, they could differ the ticket, or take it under advisement.

Then...you're put on a probation period of 6 months to a year normally...if you get another ticket, they smack you with both of them. If you keep your nose clean, the original ticket goes away.


It's basically like this, you'll pay for court costs....but won't get any points. And points are what the insurance company hit you on for your premium...


If you got a tarnished driving record...good luck!!!

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Here's the way I look at it....


It's the law to have registration and insurance on a vehicle that you drive on a public road. You were on a public road driving an unregistered vehicle with no insurance on it.


You broke the law, plea guilty, pay the fines. Why would you try to plea not guilty for something that you obviously did?


I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just being realistic. I'm also not trying to say don't cruise down the street, cause I do it on occasion...I'm mainly trying to say if you break the law and get caught, pay the price. You have to take responsibility for your actions. :shrug:

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go to court and talk to the prosecutor before you see the judge. they damn near always will reduce your penalty.. ive been 2 times for speeding tickets and both times the prosecutor just dropped them down to something that would not be on my record or affect my insurance.. i wouldnt even bother with a lawyer..waste of money if you ask me.

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call the court that you have to pay the fine at and see if you'll get points. I dont think you will in this situation, but its definitely good to ask no matter what.


If you are going to get points, plead not guilty and get the points removed and pay the fine.

If its just a fine, pay it and move on.

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check the laws. if i remember right, living in texas you where not required to have a atv dirtbike or anything. i know california is passing a law that requires insurance, i have never heard of that in texas... you might check into all that... its diffinatly a first i have heard of it in texas...

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Yeah it was on public road so i probably can't get out of it then but it don't say anything on the ticket it was on a public road so if i plee not guilty hopefully the cop don't show up at court and i can get out of it.


If its gonna go on your record Hire a traffic lawyer, ask around and see who is the best. My Lawyer has gotten me out of probably 8-10 tickets since I was 16. I have a perfect record still.

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If you plea not guilty its your word against theirs. Then they will take that as your a liar and fine you more. Most of the time lawyers talk shit, and are to much money. It would probley be cheaper to just plea guilty, or get assigned a public defender for free, or find an atterney that will give you free cousiling. Besides, EVERYONE knows your not supposed to ride on a public road on an atv. Take responsbility for your actions.

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i know california is passing a law that requires insurance...


Whaa-Whaa--Whaaatt??? What are you talking about?? They are trying to pass as law in Cali for mandatory insurance for off road vehicular use??


More on this please...


Thanks, Jay from SanD.

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OK first of all, you know you should not have been riding on the streets (even though we all have done it), so man up and take your lick on that, now with that said with the insurance thing that was kinda dick of him on that part. As far as a lawyer dont waist your money on it for something as pety as this BS, now I can speak on this matter because lets just say I have experience in this "field". If you go to the District Attourney or city prosecuter or whoever it is in this case and speak with them about it alot of times they will work out some sort of plea deal to where it wont cost you the whole amount and wont go on your record, trust me they will do everything they can not to take you to trial on this, it is a complete waist of thier time, and the judges time. (unless you are a complete shit bag with a record) In most cases they will accept only one of the charges and use the other as a barganing tool to make a deal, get their money and be done with it because they have bigger fish to fry. As far as you hoping the cop does not show up, that is BS because a cop does not have to be their for youre arraingment only in the event of a trial will he or she be ordered to appear. But like I said before just go and speak with them before entering any plea of guilty and they will usually try and work something out for you, but if you just go in and plea guilty you will be ordered to pay the manditory fines and the shit will go on your record.Just remember that when you speak with them not to be a smart ass and just be strait up with them and that alone will go a long way.

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Whaa-Whaa--Whaaatt??? What are you talking about?? They are trying to pass as law in Cali for mandatory insurance for off road vehicular use??


More on this please...


Thanks, Jay from SanD.

yup they are trying to pass the same law with offroad vehicles as jetskis. right now in the state of california you are required to hold insurance on jetskis. they are trying to pass the same law with our shit now.

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