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T5 Chrome?

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I've seen some that looked realy nice and some turned blueish by the exhast ports.. Like the first 5 inches of the pipe. Is that incorrect jetting or is the chrome just that cheap?

I just blacked out my pipes :shrug:


yea I think the bluing is from improper jetting too. once I leaned mine a little and they began to turn but I fixed it before they blued. They are just alittle brown like 2-3 inches from the port. I dont like the chrome, but I live 3 miles from Ft. Lauderdale beach, so the air is salty here. Im getting a little pitting. Might not be so bad in other places though. :shrug: A triple chrome would last awhile her though.

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The bluing is natural and, according to Toomey, if your jetted perfectly the first couple of inches of your pipes should blue. The hottest point on the pipe is going to be at the exhaust port. . The more of it you have the hotter your pipe is, and the heat is going to be driven by your fuel type and jetting. When I picked up mine the pipes were pretty blued up so I started researching it. Well the guy I bought it from was using AV gas which is high octane and running a little lean so that built up a lot of heat which blued the pipes. You might want to look at getting uncoated pipes and look into Jet Hot (www.jethot.com). It's a ceramic coating that shines like chrome but will not blue because it can handle temps upwards of 1200 deg.

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The bluing is natural and, according to Toomey, if your jetted perfectly the first couple of inches of your pipes should blue. The hottest point on the pipe is going to be at the exhaust port. . The more of it you have the hotter your pipe is, and the heat is going to be driven by your fuel type and jetting. When I picked up mine the pipes were pretty blued up so I started researching it. Well the guy I bought it from was using AV gas which is high octane and running a little lean so that built up a lot of heat which blued the pipes. You might want to look at getting uncoated pipes and look into Jet Hot (www.jethot.com). It's a ceramic coating that shines like chrome but will not blue because it can handle temps upwards of 1200 deg.


Race/aviation Gas will Burn cooler than regular.


The new CHROME FMF pipes look sweet I don't know which is better.


I heard you don't want to tripple plate Pipes...I don't remember why.

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The blueish color that forms on the smaller part of the pipe is suppose to be there. There pipes are nice but is said that when they turn that blue color is when the pipe is broke in and your getting the full power that the pipe is suppose to put out. As far as the chrome it will last forever as long as you take care of it and clean it after rides and make sure water and moisture isn't on it all the time.

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Yeah, I polish mine once in a while and they still look really good. The only bummer is that the bracket attached to the expansion chamber on the right pipe has rust between it and the pipe. It almost looked like the chrome didn't take right there for some reason................

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