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Nitrogen in Tires

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Looks like I will find out if its bs or not. While I was waiting for them to put my new tires on I noticed on their sign that they used nitrogen so I walked over to the guy that was putting them on and asked about it. Turns out that they use nitrogen for all their tires. He was telling me that the main reason for it is it helps with the life of the tire. Being that with the nitrogen in them they will only reach a certain temp. Which make since. He also said that you might get a few more miles to the gallon but its really just to help get the full mileage out of the tire. Its filled with 65% nitrogen 35% air and the only way it will leak out is if you have a rim or valve steam leak and of course a puncture. It wasnt any extra charge so what the hell. Time will tell.


Thats almost the same gas make up of our atmospere!

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LOL, 4 pages of comic relief. Anyone who thinks that putting nitrogen in an ATV tire will make any difference is just a fool....... Now if you were running in a NASCAR event, then yes.... Compressed nitrogen contains less moisture than compressed air. When the tire heats up, moisture in the tire vaporizes and expands, causing the pressure inside the tire to increase. But unless you are on hot 100 degree asphalt, going 200+ mph, for several hundred miles, it's just not needed. Some people obviously have nitrogen in their head.....

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LOL, 4 pages of comic relief. Anyone who thinks that putting nitrogen in an ATV tire will make any difference is just a fool....... Now if you were running in a NASCAR event, then yes.... Compressed nitrogen contains less moisture than compressed air. When the tire heats up, moisture in the tire vaporizes and expands, causing the pressure inside the tire to increase. But unless you are on hot 100 degree asphalt, going 200+ mph, for several hundred miles, it's just not needed. Some people obviously have nitrogen in their head.....



you fucking jackass no one said anything about the ATV tire! If you thought this is about ATV then your the fool! I couldnt give a shit about getting better mileage for a ATV its a toy! Last time I checked no one is riding their ATV to work or pulling up to a gas pump to fill it up. It didnt bother me that you all turned this into a joke but dont call me a fool for asking a question. I joined this forum when I bought my shee and I stuck around because there are some very smart people here but if this is whats going to happen when a question gets asked you can fuck off. I could understand if it was a stupid question like what color is my powerband but its not! There are plenty of other forums that people dont act like fucking children!!!

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Has anyone heard of Nitrogen filled tires? I was told it is suppost to improve the fuel mileage by 30%. Hasd anyone tried this and can verify that this is true or not?? Its something about the nitrogen keeping the tires cool to cut down on fritction (sp). I'm about ready for a new set of tires and if this works I was going to try it when I get my new tires.








LOL, well first off stupid. This is an ATV related web site. So when you asked a question about tires on here, people will naturally assume it's for your Banshee/ATV unless you say otherwise. But oh well, that must just be your inbred way of communicating.

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I like peanut M&M's.


On topic of unsprung weight: How does it affect thrust? I can see if you lower the mass of the tire, but youre just lowering the weight. Maybe from slightly decreased friction to the ground?

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On topic of unsprung weight: How does it affect thrust? I can see if you lower the mass of the tire, but youre just lowering the weight. Maybe from slightly decreased friction to the ground?

Unsprung weight in relation to thrust only effects motive force via it be a component of the total vehicle weight, is a major component in determining the tractive potential of the vehicle. Unsprung weight in primarily a measure used in working through vehicle dynamic (raide and drive) equations as opposed to drivetrain performance equations.


Out of curiousity, where did unsprung mass come into all of this? Did I miss something? If this was being used in the Nitrogen vs. air arguement, you would be better off watching the tire guy so that he puts the least amount of bead soap on the tire possible while mounting it. That would make the tire comparatively alot lighter than filling the tire with Nitrogen. :geek:

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LOL, well first off stupid. This is an ATV related web site. So when you asked a question about tires on here, people will naturally assume it's for your Banshee/ATV unless you say otherwise. But oh well, that must just be your inbred way of communicating.



Well if you took the dick out of your mouth long enough and read the post you would see not once did i ask about mileage for an atv. As for posting a non banshee/ATV question in this forum if you do any reading here you will see that there are lots of questions asked here that dont have anything to do with shees or atvs. So if your not clear maybe you should ask and not assume. I posted this with FireHead in mind I read alot of posts by you and you clearly are very smart and its a shame that you play into this childish crap.

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Well if you took the dick out of your mouth long enough and read the post you would see not once did i ask about mileage for an atv. As for posting a non banshee/ATV question in this forum if you do any reading here you will see that there are lots of questions asked here that dont have anything to do with shees or atvs. So if your not clear maybe you should ask and not assume. I posted this with FireHead in mind I read alot of posts by you and you clearly are very smart and its a shame that you play into this childish crap.

I don't really see myself as playing into it. I believe it's a bit different if I can offer some technical information to either support or debunk even the most ridiculous stuff that comes up in some of these threads.


Besides, gimmeeabeer and jayzx750 are both intelligent folks. I figured the thrust thing was a joke, but I thought it would be funny to explore it anyway. On top of that, I am sure there are more people than I would like to think about running around out there thinking that helium in the tires is a great idea whether they had the idea yet or not. :ermm:

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Its all good. I guess I have been a little thin skined lately with the shit that going on here so if I came off like an ass for that I am sorry I just wasnt expecting this to turn into a joke like it has. I was told about it and I wanted some opinions. From now on I will specifiy if my questions are not for a shee I just thought it was obvious. Why would anyone put nitrogen in an atv tire??

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Its all good. I guess I have been a little thin skined lately with the shit that going on here so if I came off like an ass for that I am sorry I just wasnt expecting this to turn into a joke like it has. I was told about it and I wanted some opinions. From now on I will specifiy if my questions are not for a shee I just thought it was obvious. Why would anyone put nitrogen in an atv tire??

I know what you mean. This place has seemed like Bluetraxx recently. There has been a lack of technical content and an abundance of retards.

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