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4 stroke banshee

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some people will believe anything they here.there is not going to be a 4 stroke banshee it was an april fools joke by dirtwheels YOU RETARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: come on lee get rid of this freaking waste of space post please :confused: .




Edited by ThE_BaNsHeE_mAn88
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does my level of grade school show?


by the way a four stroke banshee actually might come out i read about it in march on the internet but im still saying it MIGHT and my position stays clear. any way i still think any 4 strock with the name banshee in it should be burnt alive also a new 1 called a yfz or something like that i mean wtf is with the ' scientific' names for quads? but it could be intresting to see IF it comes out what it would be like

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