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How Do I Drain My Coolant

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can somebody please give me an idea of the steps to drain the coolant outta the rad?

howdo i ge the coolant out of the moor too? just let it run with the bottom hose off?

how do i get it out of the res. for coolant (overflow thingly on the back)

how do i put it backin and know i have full coolant?

do i need tobuy 2 jugs of engine ice?

if not then how much well be left over?


lol ifyou understand and can help then thanks alot

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First - to drain the coolant, pull the bottom radiator hose off. On the side of both of the cylinders there is a 10 mm bolt, pull both of them. Pull the overflow tank off and dump it out. That wont get all of the coolant out but it will be good enough.

Second - put all of these things back together, take the radiator cap off and fill the radiator. Take the bottom radiator hose and squeeze it a few times then lift it up as high as you can without breaking the radiator. Repeat that step a few times to remove any air pockets. Fire it up and check the fluid to make sure it is full.


I cant remember how much you will need. I think only 1 jug should do it but dont mark my words.

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takes about a half a jug. On mine when I first ran it I used standard 50/50 and when I switched to ice,. I emptied it out through the hose on the pump. closed it up filled it with water and ran it then dumped it all out again and drained the heads. It only takes about a half-3/4 a jug to fill it if even. Dont mix it you run it straight. I always buy double what I need when it comes to fluids to save trips.

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You could also take the water pump cover off. That would make sure you get all of it out of the waterpump housing and that little hose that runs from the water pump to the back side of the head. I got one of those eazy drain water pump covers. So you just pull the little bolt out. Good item to have. :thumbsup:

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