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Disgusting dolphin abuse by Japanese village

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i signed the petition because thats some fucked up shit like fastrthnu said shoot them in the head dont cut there throat and let them suffocate and die. and another thing did you hear those tiny dicked fuckheads laughing how fucked up is that? well im no tree hugger but that is bullshit.

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WOW! That was a little bit of a reach on that one. First of all, I never said that I didnt care about it. I said that I dont like to see it and that I dont agree with it. No, I wouldnt let my kid watch it because the video portrays cruelty in my opinion. I never argued that fact. I just was commenting on the fact that they are KILLING them the same way that you would kill a fish by cutting their throat. By the time you cut a dolphins head off completely, it is probably going to bleed out. The other things you are talking about are just ridiculous. Are you telling me that when you hunt (deer anyway) and you dont get a one shot kill and they run off into the woods that they are dying peacefully and quick? While I dont have a problem with hunting or fishing, I've done them both, they are not the most humane thing in the world either. I dont think that anyone said anything about littering, dumping washers and dryers, dumping carcasses (sp) in the water, or dumping your oil in the yard and they have nothing to do with the initial thread. I dont agree with the things that are in that video and I stated that so dont distort the things that I said. Thank you.

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dolphins are a legitimate food source for the japanese. they've been eating them for thousands of years. that being said though,and in my opinion, when harvesting any animal for food you should do your best to administer a quick, clean and humane kill which will ensure the least amount of suffering for the animal. theres got to be a better and more humane way to harvest these animals than this.

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From what I understand its bleed out alive for a reason. It is supposed to make the meat better in some way but I am not sure why. I thought hogs were bleed out in a similar fashion, or used to be until we started giving more of a shit about animals and not our own people. I know its cruel and I would not have anything to do with it but that life in other countries.

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From what I understand its bleed out alive for a reason. It is supposed to make the meat better in some way but I am not sure why. I thought hogs were bleed out in a similar fashion, or used to be until we started giving more of a shit about animals and not our own people. I know its cruel and I would not have anything to do with it but that life in other countries.



same thing i have done with tuna, and swordfish. it drains the blood from the meat.the video is disturbing.but nukkas gotta eat .

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i fail to see the issue. People want dolphin meat, so a bunch of dudes go out and kill them. It happens with all kinds of animals. Lots of animals are killed by bleeding out. They go into shock pretty fast and have no clue they are dead meat :laugh:


Anyway, Im hungry...time for roast beef!

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if they were really serious about bleeding them out wouldn't they hang em up by the tail with the nose pointing down,instead of let'in them lie there? i'm no doctor/vetrinarian, but doesn't the heart pump blood towards the brain first?

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