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Disgusting dolphin abuse by Japanese village

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I know this is technically off-topic but figured this would get more views here. The first video is pretty difficult to watch and shouldn't be watched if your kids are nearby. Don't forget to sign the petition.







Edited by Wallrat
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that a boring ass video... :down:



While I can agree that a 6 year old could have edited that video better (especially the 2nd one), I hardly think that comment was appropriate. I'm sorry that watching some f'd up treatment of animals isn't entertaining enough for you. Perhaps watching sheep get raped would be more "stimulating" to somebody of your caliber.

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While I can agree that a 6 year old could have edited that video better (especially the 2nd one), I hardly think that comment was appropriate. I'm sorry that watching some f'd up treatment of animals isn't entertaining enough for you. Perhaps watching sheep get raped would be more "stimulating" to somebody of your caliber.

Iam opting not to watch it... Iam no tree hugger or nothing and I firmly believe in hunting and all that.. HOWEVER animal "abuse" REALLY pisses me off and I may find myelf wishing that they again woud have bright light and blistering heat upon them.. :confused:

Ill sign the petition though.. :thumbsup:



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While I can agree that a 6 year old could have edited that video better (especially the 2nd one), I hardly think that comment was appropriate. I'm sorry that watching some f'd up treatment of animals isn't entertaining enough for you. Perhaps watching sheep get raped would be more "stimulating" to somebody of your caliber.



Someone of my caliber? How could you judge my caliber by me commenting about a video that I nearly fell asleep before anything happened? You are just sounding like a pissed off tree hugger to me. Maybe if you want people to oohh and ahhh about the vid, you should post it on an activest site, not bansheehq. :shoothead:

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For the record, I'm no tree hugger and I'm certainly not a save-the-whales type. However as others have posted, its a pretty messed up vid. I don't really care if people want to eat dolphins (and all the mercury that meat contains), but there's no reason to be a dickhead when it comes to killing them off. If they went out and shot a couple in the head I wouldn't complain, seeing as how the steak on my table wasn't prepared much better than that. I do however love the ocean, and respect it as such.


I'm judging your caliber based upon your total lack of finding any meaning to the video. In one comment you managed to prove that your narrow-minded, arrogant, and quite simple. There's nothing I can post here that will make you look like anymore of an ass, so I'll drop it at that.

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You make it sould like I was the one killing the fuckers. How did you come to that conclusion of me being narrow minded. I didnt say anything good OR bad about the video, I said it was lame, so how does that mean I didnt find any meaning to it? Can you read my mind all the way across the US? Welcome to the real world, people dont always do shit you agree with, live with it, because there isnt a damn thing you are going to do about it.

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I agree with theshee on this one, its a boring video. I don't agree with what is going on at all, but I'm not going to sign the petition. It's not gonna make me feel better about it and good luck stopping all of the illegal/inhumane fishing of the world's oceans. That doesn't mean I don't give a shit, I just know that my opinion on that shit will not count in the long run, so no use dwelling on it. You can say that is what is wrong with the world, too many people not caring, like me, and not wanting to take care of the resources. Good luck policing 70% of the world though, there is always going to be illegal fishing everywhere. You can put up the money and people to go ahead and do that. Plus, my life has no dependancy on seafood. GO BEEF!


If anyone wants to attack my opinion (like theshee's), go ahead. It's just an opinion and everyone is entitled.

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While I dont like to see this, and I dont know if it is legal or not, do you fish? How do you kill the fish when you are cleaning it? You cut its head off. It appears to me that it is legal for these people to do this since they are openly selling the meat. Like I said, I think it sucks, but, how would you like these guys to kill them? Gas them? Also, all of these petitions that float around on various websites, I never hear if they help or not. I think that if nobody ever hears results, its makes them more of a nusance (sp) than anything. I think what you are trying to do is great and I hope that it helps. Just my opinion.

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the petition probley wont help. Who cares about fish. Dolphins are the only thing on the planet with a bigger brain than humans and are very smart. They could just shoot it or something, instead of standing there watching it beat its own blood out because they are to lazy to clean it out later. They used to do that to cows too. Is it to hard to just pull them out of the water in a net and shoot them in the face rather than pull them up with a sprear drag them down the road and then slash their necks alive. So just chop its head off like fish. If you where going to die would nt you rather be roped and shot in the head or speared through the leg and gut 5 times pulled out by it then dragged up the road on your face because you have no arms then you can watch your killer be sprayed in his smiling face for a while before you go into shock and die. Parents take their kids fishing and hunting,. go ahead and show that to your kids if there is no difference. Here I got it,. next time I go hunting for deer,. Ill catch it with jaw traps then break its legs so it cant run away, then Ill gut it while it flails around until it finally dies,. Ill only take what I need,. then Ill leave the remains there. Or no,. Ill throw them into a lake and hopefully it bloats and floats. That would be funny. When I go out riding since Im not a tree huger Ill liter my beer cans all over and dump my old washer n dryer out in the woods, and old car sheet metal too,. thats my favorite. I need to change my oil to so Im just going to go dump that in the yard because people do it all the time and you cant stop it and Im lazy. Anyways Im going to shut up because I came here to interact about ATVs.

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I'll agree that signing a petition probably won't do a thing to stop it. However, its not like it required any sacrifice on my part - cept the 30 seconds it took to fill it out. Even if there's only a 0.00001% chance that this petition could actually stop what's going on in the video, I'd say that's more than worth 30 seconds of my time.

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