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Runs like sh*t!


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also u said u removed the parking brake assembly from the clutch perch, did u unplug the wire running to the handle? if u didnt it wont let the bike rev



are you running stock carbs the slides can be put in backwords make sure the cut aways are to the back of the bike



^^^^^^^yep 2 very good chance on both^^^^^^^^^^ I'll bet it's your parking brake sw.

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There was no wire that goes to the clutch perch.

I told you that parking brake where disabled. I did nothing else than remove the lever, all other will be done before.

It ran perfect over 1 year. carbs I will check later.


Thanks for any reply.




Not 8:46PM....here in GER it`s 4:46AM and now I have to go work :ninja:

Edited by cd7
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There was no wire that goes to the clutch perch.

I told you that parking brake where disabled. I did nothing else than remove the lever, all other will be done before.

It ran perfect over 1 year. carbs I will check later.


Thanks for any reply.

I would check to see where they disabled it to see if it came undone? how much over an Idol will it rev?

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are you running stock carbs the slides can be put in backwords make sure the cut aways are to the back of the bike



Damn.....i`m so stupid :blink:


no comment.....


























Thanks a lot man ! :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

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