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Cutting open Banshee balljoint


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I've got some extra a-arms that I replaced b/c I thought the balljoints were bad but turns out there not. I would sell 'em but they look like total shit so I think I'm going to sacrifice them to powdercoating.


I recently had a friend PC his stock ones (yes balljoint and all) and they came out fine. All I have ever heard is that you CAN'T so I'm at a little bit of a loss.


What I'm going to do is clean 'em up, get as much grease out as I can, tape the balljoint off and go to town. After I PC one I'm going to cut the balljoint open to see if anything is really screwed up or not.


What I need to know is what would be the best way to do this without damaging anything internally? I wanna do this to help you guys out that might want to do this and are wondering if it really is possible.

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I've got some extra a-arms that I replaced b/c I thought the balljoints were bad but turns out there not. I would sell 'em but they look like total shit so I think I'm going to sacrifice them to powdercoating.


I recently had a friend PC his stock ones (yes balljoint and all) and they came out fine. All I have ever heard is that you CAN'T so I'm at a little bit of a loss.


What I'm going to do is clean 'em up, get as much grease out as I can, tape the balljoint off and go to town. After I PC one I'm going to cut the balljoint open to see if anything is really screwed up or not.


What I need to know is what would be the best way to do this without damaging anything internally? I wanna do this to help you guys out that might want to do this and are wondering if it really is possible.

Make sure you document what cure method and temperature is used. I will actually find this pretty entertaining/interesting. As for cuttin the thing open, I would think cutting it with a bandsaw parallel to the center axis of the joint would be the best way to disect the joint. Obviously you will want to support the tapered portion of the joint when you clamp it in the saw. :geek:

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I think the bottom ones can be replaced but not the tops.


Yes the lower a-arm balljoints can be replaced on stock YFZ450 a-arms, so you can take 'em out and powdercoat the arms (the balljoints are held in place with a snap ring). The uppers aren't replacable, but they are aluminum so you could polish 'em...

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