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Bye Bye Boobies....

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the topic of people being weak and shielding kids was how it came about... as always the main topic ends up turing into 30 offtopics this is just one of them...


let me ask you something while it was said... what do you concider abusive? casue there is a differance in whooping your kids ass when he steals something and just fukin beating their asses casue you loose control of your self...


in no way does whooping your kids make people abusive.. i got my ass handed to me by my old man but it was when i did something stupid...and im not abusive by any means but you can bet your bottom dollar my kids will get it when they need it..


Amen! Me and my brothers used to get our asses beat when we screwed up. When a kid screws up, and I'm not talking about something little, they need to be punished in a way that they will remember it so that when they are about to screw up again, they will think about the punishment. My two cousins grew up in a house that their parents did not believe in spanking. When they got into their late teens they walked all over their parents. I thank my parents for being hard asses to me and I wouldnt have had it any other way. It tought me respect and it tought me right from wrong. In my opinion that is what is lacking in kids these days. LONG LIVE THE BELT!!!!!!!

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I think my words were taken out of context. I didn't insinuate that you're an abusive parant b/c you got the belt or whatever when you were a kid. I'm saying you do whatever you feel is the best way to raise your child. But I don't feel that every kid needs a good ass kicking for doing something he/she shouldn't be doing either. Just like I don't think it's a good thing that doctors are giving Ritalin or saying every kid has ADHD because he can't focus in school.

There's more than one way to dicipline or raise a child. (and for the record I am not a father but I was a kid once..)


And going back to the tits and ass. If you feel like you've been unjustly pointed out by having to remove the image, then put it back on your profile and I'll forward each complaint to your inbox when it comes in.

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I think my words were taken out of context. I didn't insinuate that you're an abusive parant b/c you got the belt or whatever when you were a kid. I'm saying you do whatever you feel is the best way to raise your child. But I don't feel that every kid needs a good ass kicking for doing something he/she shouldn't be doing either. Just like I don't think it's a good thing that doctors are giving Ritalin or saying every kid has ADHD because he can't focus in school.

There's more than one way to dicipline or raise a child. (and for the record I am not a father but I was a kid once..)


And going back to the tits and ass. If you feel like you've been unjustly pointed out by having to remove the image, then put it back on your profile and I'll forward each complaint to your inbox when it comes in.



boobies are back!..boobies are back.!














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but liberal america i guess some time in the last 10 years decided our kids are to soft.....


Oh please, you are so wrong, it reminds me of some of the crazy comments made during the last presidential election like~~~~> "Liberals will ban ATV's"


Truth is, its the right wing conservative christains that are the censorship nuts in this country. You can't have conservative values AND allow the bouncin' boobs sig. Remember, its the Conservative Republicans that are the "family values" and "uber-religious" party, and they're the leaders of censorship in America. Ask Howard Stern.

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And going back to the tits and ass. If you feel like you've been unjustly pointed out by having to remove the image, then put it back on your profile and I'll forward each complaint to your inbox when it comes in.

i dont feel it was unjustly but i do think its pretty stupid that people are whining to you about it and didnt say a word to me... you said something about the majority speaks... or something like that in an earlyer post but im pretty sure the majority wasnt the few guys complaining about boobs bouncing... either way they are gone casu you asked me to take them off, do i agree with it ? no but its your site so they are gone...


and meat i dont know what conservatives you been hanging around but everyone i know thats a conservative is the least bit worried about tv censorship and all that none sence....

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If I was to go on offtopic.com, for example, and put a pic in my signature of a ... wait, no offtopic doesn't allow pics in sigs... by the way, that's one of the largest forums on the internet.


Huh never heard of offtopic :ermm: Shows what I know lol!


I don't wanna enflame the whole deal here heh, but IMO censorship schmensorship, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke...

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Amen! Me and my brothers used to get our asses beat when we screwed up. When a kid screws up, and I'm not talking about something little, they need to be punished in a way that they will remember it so that when they are about to screw up again, they will think about the punishment. My two cousins grew up in a house that their parents did not believe in spanking. When they got into their late teens they walked all over their parents. I thank my parents for being hard asses to me and I wouldnt have had it any other way. It tought me respect and it tought me right from wrong. In my opinion that is what is lacking in kids these days. LONG LIVE THE BELT!!!!!!!



i believe in spanking to a degree , my father was a Marine Sargent , he was very fast to give a slap when i was out of line , some kids do need it , but it can get out of line ,

it does have an effect on a kid , when i would go to school i would fight alot , when a kid wanted to fight me i would fight on the drop of a dime, i would think this kid is 100 pounds how can he hurt me when my father hit me and he was 220 , and the fighting went on for years into my 20's , all built up anger like a fire burning .

so be careful how you punish your kids .

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woodro - I agree with you 100% Damn, this thread got kinda intense didnt it? All over a set of beautiful boobies! Lee, I dont think that anyone was really taking this too seriously. I know I wasnt. I dont think its that big of a deal and I definitly understand your point of view. I am on this site all day and then when I get home at night I get on it. I have a 6 year old son that, if he saw that, I am sure he would have said something. I wouldnt necessarily shield him from it, but I am sure some parents dont appreciate it. I have found myself here at work, looking at some posts that if someone is in my office I have to scroll down pretty quick in order for them not to get the wrong idea of what I am looking at. In my opinion I didnt think bansh-emans sig was out of line but I can see where a person in your position needs to take complaints seriously. Thats just my .02 and I am done.

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Growing up, even as a little pip-squeak, I was pretty much allowed to watch movies if my parents were watching (R rated included, not xxx of course) that showed tits or ass. But that was them popping a rental tape in and watching it. I just think putting it on TV where anyone can see it regardless of whether their parents allow it or not can be a bit much; nudity that is, not bikinis.


Again, if I had an "adult filter" option on the site that would be great. Then I could allow for practically any content to be posted. Until then, I just have to be careful on what the wide-demographic of members here are exposed to in terms of whether they want to or not.


It really isn't a big deal to me and I don't take/give these things personally. I just have to be the bad guy every once in a while and moderate. :shrug:

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Growing up, even as a little pip-squeak, I was pretty much allowed to watch movies if my parents were watching (R rated included, not xxx of course) that showed tits or ass. But that was them popping a rental tape in and watching it. I just think putting it on TV where anyone can see it regardless of whether their parents allow it or not can be a bit much; nudity that is, not bikinis.


Again, if I had an "adult filter" option on the site that would be great. Then I could allow for practically any content to be posted. Until then, I just have to be careful on what the wide-demographic of members here are exposed to in terms of whether they want to or not.


It really isn't a big deal to me and I don't take/give these things personally. I just have to be the bad guy every once in a while and moderate. :shrug:

yup i undertand man... and thats why when you said the thing bout putting it back up... i left it off... i maynot agree but like you said someones got to be the bad guy.. and if you decided it needs to come off then it does... but me being a loud mouth i am y0u can bet ill make a post :biggrin:

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here is the way i see it. your kid can go to any local store and pick up any magazine and see women in bathing suits, half naked or what ever. hell sears. wal-mart, target and any other store that sends out info on their sales have adds that show up in every mail box in AMERICA with photos of women in their underware. go pick up a copy of surfer magazine next time you pass the magazine stand and in the first 10 or so pages you will find a reef brazil add with some smokin hot chick in a g string showing off her perfect ass. pick up a copy of cosmo and read the shit just on the front page, titles like 100 ways to make her cum, 50 ways to give your man the perfect bj. this kind of stuff is all over the place. i personally do not see a problem with kids looking at a nice set of titts bouncing around, its not like they wont see thge weird chick in the walmart wearing some slutty get up, or a tv commercial for the new wounder bra. its lame that censorship is so lopsided. look at the way kids are being raised these days. we are trying to shelter them from reality, anyone with a kid around the age to play little league knows that now days you dont strike out any more, if you get 3 strikes the coach comes out to pitch underhand to the damn kid. they dont keep score so no feelings are hurt when yourt team gets their asses kicked. now days if you spank your kid its child abuse. if your kid is in a regular seat belt and is under a specific weight you get a ticket for child endangerment. we are training the future of our country to be a bounch of sheltered pussies. how many of us grew up in the 70's and 80's when it was common for your dad to whip your ass for doing something bad. hell i got the 3 inch wide leather belt a few times. now today if i bust my kids ass with a belt for doing something that would require a good ass whippin im going to jail for abuse and the government is taking my kid and basically selling them to some shit bag foster home. im not sure of the law in other states but here in San Diego if you are under 17 and on a bicycle not wearing a helmet your parents can be fined for endangerment. we are raising a society of spoiled rotten little pussies. there is a middle school right around the corner from my house. back in the day we had a problem we handled it after school like men we meet and beat the hell out of each other and it was settled. i saw a fight the other week 2 boys about 11 or 12 out in the street by my house they were slapping eachother and pulling hair. that just goes to show how sheltered our kids are becoming. double up that fist and use it.. i yelled out the window "PUNCH HIM PUNCH HIM" to the kid losing. he took one solid punch at the other kid and the kid started crying and ran off. problem solved. that kid wont get picked on again at school because now he is labled a bad ass. we need to step the hell up and teach our sons to be a man not a little woosie boy. and our daughters need to be even tougher to handle the boys that are gonna come their way. so the real problem is not a few setts of bouncing tittts. its that we are letting our kids grow up so sheltered they are going to be a society of pussies. i watched cartoons as a kid and i never tried to drop an anvil on someones head because i saw buggs bunny do it. i never shot anyone because i saw elmer fud try to shoot buggs. it never crossed my mind, but now days its tabo for bugs to drop an anvil on elmer because its too damn violent. i say screw that raise our kids to be good strong citizens not a bounch of weak ass panzies who cant see boobs and women in their underware.


sorry went off there a bit. but it pisses me off..!!!

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