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what gains?


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went riding today in the sand with my shee that has tr6 pipes and the jet kit , and foam filter that came with the pipes, air box removed, tors removed, and i have a barnett clutch, other than that my shee is totally stock. i lined up with a guy that had a piped 2007 lt-r 450 with a cherry bomb, the area we were racing i would say is 4-500 feet, we raced about 7 or 8 times with him winning every time by about 1 or two lengths. i would get him everytime out of the hole but at about half way he would pull even with me and eventualy pass me. I did a lot better than i thought i would against his lt r450 since i'm a newb and he has been riding for years. I plan on getting a noss cool head, v force 3 reeds advancing my timing 4 and getting a f.a.s.t. dune port, unfortunatly jeff is going to be a lil too busy for a while so i'm going to have wait till later this year for the porting, but i'll be ordering my head, reeds and timing plate in the next week or so, so my question to you guys is, with the head, reeds and timing plate, will i be able to beat the lt-r 450 if he stays with the same set up??? and how would i do against a piped yfz 450??? thx guys.

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It's kind of hard to say if you can take him with just the bolt on's. The biggest jump in hp out of the ones you mentioned would be the PORTING. Whenever you get the chance to get it portde, go for it. Would def reccommend the head, timing, and VForces also. Do the bolt on's and see where you stand, if you can't beat them then port the bitch :thumbsup:

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It's kind of hard to say if you can take him with just the bolt on's. The biggest jump in hp out of the ones you mentioned would be the PORTING. Whenever you get the chance to get it portde, go for it. Would def reccommend the head, timing, and VForces also. Do the bolt on's and see where you stand, if you can't beat them then port the bitch :thumbsup:


Also what kind of paddles you running, Haulers? This will make a difference.

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i'm running what was on the bike when i bought it which are sand skate 2


A switch to some Haulers wouldn't hurt you as far as the dragging goes. If you do those added upgrades, even short of porting, you should beat him unless there is a major skill difference. Personally, I saw a couple ltr's running around at the end of last year, one stock, the other had a yosh pipe, and with my bolt ons I would have run them with no concerns all day long. Now, didn't know the guys so maybe they couldn't ride for crap, but from up close they seemed kind of pokey as compared to other 450's. Just my $.02

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