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would front rib or mohack sand tyres for non sand.


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i do probably 90% of my riding in sand, so im thinking about buying a set of rib or mohawk sand tyres for the front. im wondering about the 10% non sand riding i do. would ribs or mohawk hold up ok in dirt and crushed shell/gravel? or would they get damaged too quickly?


i just dont want to buy a second set of wheels and tyres and have to swap them. id like to run 1 set of front tyres for everything.


i know for the rears im going to have to swap them out when im not riding sand, but would the fronts hold up ok?

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I know if you get any type of buffed front tire, it wouldn't hold up too well... But it you got a full molded Mowhawk, you might have a good chance... I'd just say stick with the nobbies... They work OK.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Because of the buffed nature of a front sand tire, I wouldn't run it anywhere but in sand.


I'm sure you'd have pretty good chances of it being fine, but one small rib down the middle probably won't handle very well in dirt/crushed gravel...and you'd be asking for a flat in my opinion....

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