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So I save up for months for my Elka Elites and rear linkage and A-arms. I buy my A-arms with the intention of buying my shocks but I needed like 250 more for all of the rear stuff so I told my guy to hold off untill I get the money. Thank GOD I did that. Anyway my sister just graduated from Paralegal school with intentions of going to Law school. We arent rich far from it so she took out student loans. Her school just told her the day she graduated "You dont get a diploma without giving us 4k for your student loand". WTF Isent the whole point of taking out loans for school so that you can graduate GET A JOB then pay them off? BASTERDS!


Looks like another 5 or 6 months so I can save up all over again for my suspention. In the meantime I will have my A-Arms -1 or 2 swingarm with roundhouse carrier and a scoots steering stabilizer. Dont mean jack without suspention though. Oh well what can you do. Time goes on.


Thanks for listening to me bitch :verymad:

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Yeah 300 a month sucks but Ide rather that then the whole thing at once you know what I mean. I used to own my own roofing buisness and insurance sucked but I still made. Then I got hurt and couldent hustle shingles up a latter anymore so Im back in school. Im still not sure what I want to major in but Im paying as I go. I found out if you count on something and it falls through its better to not owe any money because backup plans for shit like that dont exist. Its better to pay your way as you go instead of relying on future income cause life can throw some hard ass curve balls at you. That I cant stress enough but people do what they do. Its true it all will work out in the end no matter what but always be responcibe for what your doing while your doing it. My sister dident know this was comming at all. She just meesed up her loan somehow. She does NOT want to take my money so Im paying for it in her name. Its complicated. Hell her Boyfriend is the head chef and genaral manager at Lidias resturant in Pittsburgh. Real high class joint. He offered and she wont take his money either. Even on a loan. Ha shit If I was a good looking girl Ide be on that. But I understand and respect her decisions very much. Shes a good girl and she will be a Lawyer one day. I should charge her plus intrest :yelrotflmao:

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wow .... my wifes are like 20-sum thing for school.. they are fed loans they will give you as long as you are not making money, they will delay-but add interest.. im lucky so far with the school loans i had my gi bill. i just got like 2-3 hundo every 1/4 and im about 4k. don

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Yeah I worked it out to get that half payed off and the Law school shes going to wants money up front. She gets 1000 knocked off for graduating with high honors but its still a pretty penny so theres all of the money and she actualy sort of bitched at me for paying. She pays me back everyday for being such a bright and beautiful sister but she starts work at Lidias again soon so mabey she will give me a couple of bucks for the Banshee. Im not going to ask but I wont refuse any.


Thanks for listening and giving me advice. I appricate it.

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